

My favorite food is breakfast.I love eating soft scramble puffy eggs with
bacon,sausage and ham followed by a tall glass of orange juice.Normally I cook my,
own breakfast but when I feel lazy,I don’t think about cooking.All I think about is,
a place where I can get a delicious breakfast meal for a decent price,so I stop
by Mc.Donald’s and buy me one of those breakfast deluxe for $4.99 that has soft
scramble puffy eggs,bacon,sausage and ham and of course,not forget about
The Minute Maid orange juice that Mc.Donald’s serves every morning.The orange
Juice,has to be really cold,otherwise I won’t drink it,my eggs have to be puffy or I
won’t eat them,I am very picky about my breakfast,since it is my favorite I believe
It has to be cooked well done,so I can enjoy my meal.Since breakfast is my favorite food
I can eat it any time of the day it really doesn’t matter if it is lunch time or dinner time I can
still eat my favorite food.
Dumpling is my favorite food for my life.I enjoyed them very much.Even I made it by myself once a week,I still think of them all the time.
Dumpling is Chinese special food,most northern part of Chinese people eat more.It is the culture of the Chinese people,When the New Year es,we always eat the dumpling before the midnight because they will bring us good luck.It’s not very easy to make dumpling,because it will take many steps to do it.My mom is a very good dumpling cooker.She can made ten more different kinds of dumpling,She can use vegetable,such as cabbage,celery,leeks,cilantro…,mix with ground meat or use some seafood,such like shrimp,fish….My favorite one is cabbage with ground pork.When the dumpling jis just out from boil water,the air inside,would make them looked like many *** all piglet with a big stomach.I enjoy the first bit when it just came from boil water,the juice out from it,taste so delicious and *** ells so good.I won’t wait until them are cool,sometime it would burn my tongue.I still want to eat them even thought my stomach already is full.I keep eating… eating… until I had a stomachache,I still felt regrettable to give up.
第1个回答  2023-06-10
My Favorite Food
My favorite food is pizza. I love the combination of melted cheese, tomato sauce, and toppings like pepperoni, mushrooms, and onions. Whenever I have pizza, it feels like a party in my mouth. I also enjoy making pizza at home with my family. We get creative with the toppings and experiment with different sauces and cheeses. Pizza is not only delicious, but it also brings people together.
My Least Favorite Food
My least favorite food is liver. The texture is tough and chewy, and the taste is very strong and unpleasant. Every time I eat liver, I cannot help but feel disgusted. Even when it is cooked with spices and herbs, I still cannot get past the taste and texture. I try to avoid liver as much as possible, and if it is served to me, I politely decline.
第2个回答  2023-06-07
**My Favorite and Least Favorite Foods** (我喜欢和不喜欢的食物)
I have always been a food lover, enjoying food from different cuisines while appreciating their unique tastes.(我一直都是一个美食爱好者,喜欢品尝不同菜系的食物,欣赏它们独特的口味。)
My favorite food is pizza, especially the ones topped with a combination of cheese, pepperoni, and olives. I love how the aroma of melting cheese fills my senses and the sensation of biting into the crispy crust followed by flavorful toppings. Nothing compares to sharing a pizza with friends and family on a gathering.(我最喜欢的食物是披萨,尤其是那种加了奶酪、意大利辣味肠和橄榄的混合口味。我喜欢闻着融化奶酪的香气,咬下脆皮,品味美味的佐料。和朋友家人分享一盘披萨是无与伦比的。)
On the other hand, my least favorite food is bitter gourd. It's a green vegetable commonly found in Asian cuisine. Despite knowing it offers various health benefits, I simply cannot stand the bitter taste that lingers in my mouth after eating it. Even when it's cooked with strong flavors or soaked in water to reduce the bitterness, I cannot bring myself to appreciate the taste.(而我最不喜欢的食物是苦瓜。它是亚洲料理中常见的一种绿色蔬菜。尽管知道它有很多健康益处,但我无法忍受吃了之后在口中留下的苦味。即使是煮好的苦瓜口感很浓,或者泡水减少苦味,我还是不能接受。)
In summary, food preferences are a matter of personal taste, and my choices in no way indicate the overall quality or appeal of any specific dish. Everyone's taste buds are different, and it's essential to try various foods to find what we truly enjoy.(总之,食物喜好是个人口味的问题,我的选择并不能代表任何具体菜肴的整体质量或吸引力。每个人的味蕾都不同,尝试各种食物才能找到我们真正喜欢的。)本回答被网友采纳