

第1个回答  2023-02-04
【 #英语资源# 导语】童年像一片金色的沙滩。童年里的那一件件趣事则是那一只只美丽的贝壳,有的已经被时间的推移变得暗淡无光。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  My childhood was full of fun and color. The story of my childhood is like a flowing river, lake and sea. I can't finish it.

  It was a Sunday morning and my good friend came to play with me. His mother treated him warmly. Then he took our two children to the green garden. The park is not lively. There are people playing everywhere. We couldn't wait to rush in.

  First, we came to the artificial lake. Take out a few sheets of paper, fold them into a beautiful small paper boat, put it in the lake and let it drift away slowly with the wind. We also compete to see whose little paper boat floats farthest. We used all our strength to blow into the paper boat, and our cheeks hurt! Looking at our little paper boat drifting farther and farther, we both laughed happily! The small fish in the river swam over and seemed to have a strong interest in these paper boats. Groups of fish surrounded the boat, testing with their mouths... As if looking for some delicious food.

  Then we took out the football for shooting. I was a goalkeeper in the first round, and every ball I kicked was thrown down by me. Then it was my turn to play. The first few balls were stopped by the noisy belly. I thought to myself: I can't lose to him as a football player! So I first made a fake move, and then shot the ball with one foot. This time, I was fooled. WOW! The ball is in! The final battle ended 1-0.

  Childhood is a colorful poem that brings me happiness and countless laughter. It also brought me sadness. Isn't that what happened in childhood? There are smiles, pain, joy and tears. This is a colorful childhood.


  Childhood is like a boat and a soft and comfortable cradle; Sometimes it's like a happy game. The memory of childhood is like a magic master doing a variety of dances

  I, a happy little girl who is naive, serious and respects her teachers, is careful and full of interest in whatever she does, and never misses any opportunity. Even a "monster" like a mosquito should take a big look.

  I still remember that it was a hot summer vacation. I heard from my classmates at school that there were butterflies, bees and caterpillars in the garden... It was fun. I thought I could observe it again. As soon as I finished school, I ran to my back garden and was stunned: where bees were collecting honey, butterflies were flying freely in the air, crickets were singing... It was a fairyland on earth!

  I left my schoolbag and collected some plant specimens and insect specimens. I studied there for a long time. I didn't go home until my mother anxiously found me.

  In the evening, I was scolded by my mother, but I didn't admit defeat, because this is my interest and no one can beat me. So I began to convince my mother. In the end, I wasted my strength to convince my mother. I was elated and shouted "I won" in my dream at night.

  My childhood dream was to be a scientist like Darwin! I know the dream is far away, but as long as you work hard, there is absolutely nothing you can't achieve

  The happiness and dreams of childhood will become the best memories with your growth. Let's recall the wonderful moments together!


  Childhood is the truth in the dream and the dream in the truth; Childhood is a beautiful stone; Childhood is a brilliant light; Six years, we have come, but it is not easy for us to come. Sometimes they will be scolded by teachers and parents; Sometimes fall back and hurt; Sometimes ravaged by others; All this is clearly in my mind.

  In my heart, there is one thing that I can't forget for a long time. That was the first time I broke down the computer.

  I can't go there in hot summer. I'm stuck at home all day. At noon that day, as usual, I got up in the morning and had breakfast, but I went into my room to watch TV. I first turned on the computer and sat in my chair as if nothing had happened. After turning on the machine, I was searching for TV. Somehow, the computer suddenly crashed. I thought it was me who broke the computer again, but it was really broken. Later, I unplugged the cable, disassembled the host, prepared for research and research, and went through various debugging, I finally found out what was wrong with the computer. It turned out that the power supply of the computer burned out, and then I went out and asked my father for a new power supply (my family runs a computer repair shop). Walked into the room and replaced the old power supply. But because I was in a hurry when I disassembled it, I didn't know how to install it back later. I was puzzled, but I finally installed it back. Just then, my mother suddenly came in and asked me what was going on. I told my mother what happened. My mother praised me as a little adult. Suddenly, I was really happy in my heart.

  From this incident, I understand that it is not very difficult to transform things, which also let me know the happiness of labor.


  "On the banyan tree by the pond, Zhiniao is calling for summer. On the swing beside the playground, only the butterfly stops on it. Waiting for class, waiting for this school, waiting for the childhood of the game." While listening to the song of childhood, I remembered some interesting things in my childhood. Hide and seek, ants, but I like flying kites best.

  When I was a child, I often flew kites by the river with my parents. I remember once, the weather was especially sunny, and my father and mother didn't have to go to work, so I decided to fly kites by the river.

  When I came to the river, I saw many kites in the sky, colorful and different colors, including red, white, purple... Fish shaped and octopus shaped... I unfolded my kite. At first, the kite always couldn't fly. Suddenly, a gust of wind came. I took advantage of this moment to unfold and fly. I'm very happy. I'm running on the river. I feel like flying. It's good. Just as I was flying, my hand loosened. I didn't know what was going on. The kite was farther and farther away from me. I didn't know that the kite line was broken until the kite disappeared. I feel very sad because I made the kite myself.

  I searched all over the river and the shore, but I still couldn't find the kite. I sat in the grass dejected. I was really sad to think that I was still proud to make a kite half an hour ago. At dusk, my parents and I were ready to go home. I said goodbye to the kite.


  What is childhood? Childhood is happy; Childhood is sad; Childhood is amazing

  When I was young, my brother and brother played in my house. We were discussing, "what game shall we play?" After a while, I said, "my family has family toys. Let's play family!" My brothers and brothers said, "OK!" So I took the toys from the cabinet. We are divided in this way: brother boiling water, brother cooking, I stir fry. My brother's water was cooked. He hadn't filled it yet. All of a sudden, the room was full of steam. My brother and I were dying of laughter. His face was as red as peach blossom. Since then, he has taken things more seriously! My brother began to cook. He was afraid of putting too much water, so he put a little water. After cooking, he opened the rice cover and ate raw. My brother and I smiled and said, "you put too little water. Of course it's raw!" After that, my brother learned to put the cooking water evenly. Then I started cooking. Because I was nervous, I forgot to pour the oil. After burning, I tasted the taste - it was too light. Brother and brother said thoughtfully, "it's really difficult to do one thing." After this incident, I understood the hard work of my parents and found that it is not easy to do a good job.

  But every time I do something wrong, I feel very sad. My father always says, "it's okay. As long as you are careful, you can do it well. Come on!" Hearing what my father said, I summoned up my courage and did something beautiful seriously.

  This is my childhood, happy and innocent childhood.


  My childhood is interesting. The things are: eating chalk, eating fine ink, using baby cream as shampoo... In short, there are many things.

  Let's talk about eating chalk and fine ink. I remember that time when I was painting at home and my sister asked me to go out to play, I put the chalk in my pocket and went out to play with my sister. I forgot the chalk in my pocket. When I got home, I grabbed a handful of sugar and put it in my pocket. I went out to play with my sister again. I ate while playing. Unexpectedly, I took out the chalk. Without even looking at it, I took a bite. Who knows, I vomited out disgustingly. I said, "what kind of sugar is this? It's terrible." My sister picked up the chalk and said, "this is not sugar, this is chalk!" I opened my mouth involuntarily and said, "ah, this is chalk! This must be the chalk I put in my pocket." My sister looked at me and couldn't help laughing. I asked my sister, "sister, what are you laughing at?" My sister said, "I'm laughing at you little fool!" I looked at my sister and I smiled.

  Remember another time, I grabbed a handful of shelled peanuts at home. I put peanuts in my pocket. Others gave me a piece of chalk, and I put them in my pocket. I ate and ate. Who knows, I took out the chalk. Without looking at it, I took a bite. Unexpectedly, I vomited out and said, "what's this? It's terrible!" Grandpa saw me, picked up the chalk and said, "this is not peanuts, this is chalk!" I opened my mouth wide and said, "originally, this is chalk!" Grandpa looked at me and couldn't help laughing like his sister last time. I asked, "Grandpa, who are you laughing at?" Grandpa said, "I'm laughing at you little fool!" I looked at Grandpa and I couldn't help laughing.

  How's it going? Was my childhood fun? Whenever I think of these things, I am very happy and happy!


  Childhood is like a small train. In this small train, there will be our brilliant laughter, our unpleasant quarrels and fly us to the future!

  It happened when I was six. But what I want to say first will be strange to everyone? That's what my mother will wear every time she goes out - cosmetics. When I was a child, I often watched my mother wipe some things poured out of small bottles at the table. At that time, I would always ask from time to time, and my mother would patiently explain to me, which made me like those colorful bottles more. Until one day, my mother was away from home and asked me and my brother to stay at home for a while. Finally, when my mother left, I hurried from the door to the bedroom and began the experiment. Because I couldn't see the cosmetics, I called my brother over. In order to make her agree to let me make up for him, I said to him in a good voice and spirit; "Oh, you see how beautiful these little bottles are, and they are painted on your body. They are colorful and beautiful. Let me paint them for you? If you let me paint them for you, I'll buy you delicious food, okay? But don't tell your mother that I painted them for you." after all, my brother couldn't go against the food, so he agreed. I first learned how to look at my mother, gave my brother a foundation, then painted his brother lipstick, and painted his eyebrows for his younger brother. Finally, they were painted, because they had never been given personal make-up, so it was really hard to see how ugly it was. First, the foundation was not smear evenly, then the lipstick was out of line, and the eyebrows were long, short, thick, and thin, if suddenly appeared in front of you. You're gonna be scared. After appreciating my masterpiece, my mother will come back. She quickly washed her brother's face with clean water, wiped it with a towel and slipped away. Where do you remember any makeup remover. Then my mother came back, and I quickly slipped out on the pretext of borrowing to play.

  After reading my article, do you think it's very interesting? Well, I'm going to do my little train and go to my next birthday!


  Everyone has a wonderful childhood, and I also have a fun and funny childhood. My childhood is like a string of colorful bubbles filled with childlike innocence and childlike fun.

  When I was young, my mother bought many kinds of cosmetics. At that time, I didn't know what cosmetics were, but I saw that my mother was beautiful every time after putting on makeup, so I made up my mind to dress myself up. A pussyfooded mother went to my mother's dressing table one morning, learning from her mother's face, picking up the foundation in front of the mirror and rubbed her face, her face, forehead and chin. After a while, my face was as white as white flour. It was as white as a hanging ghost. I felt very terrible. No matter three, seven or twenty-one, I picked up lipstick again, pouted my small mouth, wiped layer after layer on my mouth, licked my upper and lower lips with each other, and I fooled around again. After finishing my make-up, I went to the mirror and looked at it carefully. I was satisfied with my imitation level. In the mirror, a beautiful little girl with white face, heavy eyebrows and red lips. I twisted left and right again and took the model step. When my mother came back from work, she saw my appearance change and laughed, making her look up and down, "This little girl... This little girl...!"

  Another time, my family went to grandma's house to play. Because it had just rained, there was a lot of mud on the road. It was very slippery to walk on it and it was easy to fall. Because I was young, my brother wanted to carry me on his back. I was naughty and had to walk by myself. I was happy to stand in the puddle jumping and jumping. I fell on my back and covered with mud, but I didn't care, The little woman was also informal and continued to walk forward. Suddenly, my foot slipped and I fell on all fours. My face and body were splashed with muddy water. I was like a mud monkey. When I arrived at Grandma's house, everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw my embarrassed appearance.


  My childhood is full of happiness, fun and sweetness; My childhood is a shining little star, which always shines on my future. In my memory, the interesting things of childhood are like the stars in the sky, which are countless. With the passage of time, some things gradually fade away, while some things are printed in my mind, but they can't be erased. Today I'll write one of them and tell you!

  One summer vacation, I lived in grandma's house. At that time, the weather was very hot. A fly kept flying into Grandma's house. The sound of "buzzing buzzing buzzing" almost bored me to death. I picked up a fly swatter and a personal fly fight with flies.

  I saw some flies flying around the fluorescent lamp and still stopping on it. Some flies were still crawling on the table. It was really annoying. It's my turn to play this time, I thought. I killed one fly on the table, but I scared the other flies away. Later, I took a broom and stood on the table, trying to drive the flies off the fluorescent lamp. Who knows, my foot didn't step firmly and fell on all fours, which hurt me! Twenty minutes later, the fly was almost gone, but I was tired and lay on the ground. I suddenly saw several flies flying to the kitchen. I stood up and looked around the kitchen. Finally, I found those flies. I killed them all at once. I wrapped the body of the fly in a napkin and said to the fly, "there's good wine when my friend comes. When the fly comes, only the fly swatter will greet you." After grandma came in and saw me, she said I was a fly catcher.


  Childhood is like a golden boat, filled with happy childhood, like a string of crystal wind bells. As soon as the wind blows, it makes a pleasant sound; Childhood is like a basket of blooming flowers, emitting a charming fragrance.

  It was my birthday. The whole family got together and held a birthday party for me. I wore the clothes I looked at, took the most lovely hairpin and enjoyed delicious food. I became the "pet" of the whole family

  After dinner, my mother suggested, "let's show each other a talent." "Good!" I asked, "who will perform first?" My mother volunteered to go on stage. My father turned on his mobile phone and played a song "the most dazzling national style". Mother followed the rhythm, sometimes twisting her legs, sometimes forking her waist and sometimes kicking her legs, which amused us all. My brother came to the stage again to perform the seven step painting chicken, but my brother took seven steps and drew his head askew. And I was happy to praise: "the lines of this painting are so beautiful, the color matching is also very good, but it's a little ugly!" My brother's face turned red.

  Dad said loudly, "who's the next performer?" Mother and brother said in unison, "let this little birthday star go." My heart is not calm, just like beating notes. I went onto the stage, bowed like an angel and said, "my finale is about to begin." He put on his wig, put his wavy curly hair on my shoulder, picked up the microphone, cleared his throat and said, "I'll sing you a song of" Happy New Year! " With the rhythm, I sang a song: "happy new year, happy new year, wish you all a happy New Year..." my father played the harmonica for me. Mother also danced. The atmosphere at home is as soothing as a river. Like ten thousand horses galloping, the passion is surging, and the performance is in full swing. Home has become an ocean of joy.

  Happy childhood is like a palette, which has written the most beautiful chapter of my life.