give in 和 give way的区别


give way To retreat or withdraw. 退却或撤退 To yield the right of way: 让路: gave way to an oncoming car. 给一辆即将过来的汽车让路 To relinquish ascendancy or position: 放弃优势或地位: as day gives way slowly to night. 白天渐渐转为黑夜 To collapse from or as if from physical pressure: 倒塌来自外界的压力或好象来自外界压力下倒塌: The ladder gave way. 梯子塌了 To yield to urging or demand; give in. 放弃激励或要求;屈服,让步 To abandon oneself: 放纵自己: give way to hysteria. 变得歇斯底里 give up To surrender: 投降: The suspects gave themselves up. 这些嫌疑犯投降了 To devote (oneself) completely: 将(自己)完全奉献: gave herself up to her work. 献身于她自己的工作 To cease to do or perform: 停止做或执行: gave up their search. 停止他们的搜查 To desist from; stop: 停止;结束: gave up smoking. 戒烟 To part with; relinquish: 让出;放弃: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope. 让出公寓;放弃所有的希望 To lose hope for: 对…失去希望: We had given the dog up as lost. 最后我们当那只狗已经走失了而不再存有指望 To lose hope of seeing: 没有希望见到: We'd given you up an hour ago. 一个小时前我们就以为见不到你了 To admit defeat. 承认失败 To abandon what one is doing or planning to do. Often used with on: 中止放弃某人正在做的或打算做的。常与 on一起用: gave up on writing the novel. 放弃写小说了 give in To hand in; submit: 递交;呈送: She gave in her report. 她递交了报告 To cease opposition; yield. 停止反对;投降
第1个回答  2013-10-24
give in是屈服的意思嘛;
give way是收起来的意思噢…顺便推荐MJ的�6�1give in to me�6�2这首歌
第2个回答  2013-10-24
前者:屈服,投降。 后者,收起,储存。