carry on是什么意思?

carry on 和go on的意思一样吗?

是carry on doing 还是carry on to do?

第1个回答  2013-12-11
carry on
和go on的意思一样
carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing


They've been carrying on for years.
After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career.
百年之后, 他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。
He does carry on, doesn't he?
In any event, we should carry on with our research.
无论如何, 我们必须坚持研究。
Now we can carry on with our work.
She's carrying on with her boss.
We'll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst.
我们还按我们的计画办事, 他们想怎麽?够稻退嫠?潜惆?.
When the chips were down he found the courage to carry on.
动词carry on
1. direct the course of; manage or control
同义词:deal conduct
2. continue talking
同义词:on continue go proceed
3. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
同义词:preserve continue uphold on bear
4. misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way
同义词:act up
operate persevere handle romp
第2个回答  2013-12-11
carry on doing 介词后肯定是跟名词做宾语拉
第3个回答  2014-02-28
carry on doing
第4个回答  2013-12-11
–verb (used with object) 1. to take or support from one place to another; convey; transport: He carried her for a mile in his arms. This elevator cannot carry more than ten people.
2. to wear, hold, or have around one: He carries his knife in his pocket. He carries a cane.
3. to contain or be capable of containing; hold: The suitcase will carry enough clothes for a week.
4. to serve as an agency or medium for the transmission of: The wind carried the sound. He carried the message to me.
5. to be the means of conveying or transporting (something or someone): The wind carried the balloon out of sight.
6. to be pregnant with: His wife is carrying twins.
7. to put ahead to a subsequent time, page, etc., or to a higher authority; continue or transfer: to carry a case to a higher court; to carry a footnote to a new page.
8. to bear the weight, burden, etc., of; sustain: These piers once carried an arch.
9. to take (a leading or guiding part), as in singing; bear or sustain (a part or melody).
10. to hold (the body, head, etc.) in a certain manner: She carries her head high.
11. to behave or comport (oneself): She carries herself with decorum.
12. to take the initiative in (a contest): The Giants carried the game to the Browns.
13. to secure the adoption of (a motion or bill).
14. to get a plurality or majority of electoral votes in (a district).
15. to extend or continue in a given direction or to a certain point: to carry the war into enemy territory.
16. to bring, impart, hear, transmit, or communicate news, a message, etc.
17. to lead or influence by emotional or intellectual appeal: The actor carried his audience with him.
18. to bear the major burden of (a group, performance, etc.) by superior talent, determination, etc.: The star carried the whole play.
19. to serve as a conduit for: This pipe carries water to the house.
20. to have as an attribute, property, consequence, etc.; presume or entail: Violation carries a penalty of five years in prison.
21. to support or give validity to (a related claim, argument, etc.): One decision carries another.
22. Commerce. a. to keep on hand or in stock.
b. to keep on the account books.

23. to bear as a crop: This land will not carry corn.
24. to sustain or support: Our grain supply will carry the cattle through the winter. This money will carry us for about a week.
25. to be enrolled for or to undertake as an amount of work: New students are advised not to carry more than 16 credits.
26. Golf. to advance beyond or go by (an object or expanse) with one stroke.
27. Ice Hockey. to cause (a puck) to move forward along the ice and in one's control by a series of light, short taps with the stick.
28. Hunting. to retain and pursue (a scent).
29. (in addition) to transfer (a number) from one denomination to the succeeding one.
30. to have as a maximum working pressure: This boiler carries 190 pounds per square inch.
–verb (used without object) 31. to act as a bearer or conductor.
32. to have or exert propelling force.
33. to be transmitted, propelled, or sustained: My voice carries farther than his.
34. (of a horse) to bear the head in a particular manner while in action: The horse carries well.
–noun 35. range, as of a gun.
36. Golf. the distance a stroked ball travels.
37. land that separates navigable waters and over which a canoe or boat must be carried; portage.
38. a carrying.本回答被网友采纳