
托福考试被hold住了,被发了一封这个邮件,可是成绩还是现实avaliable,请问这个意思是2个星期给我结果么?We at ETS are highly committed to quality standards and fairness. After every test administration, we go to great lengths to make sure each test result we report is accurate and valid. It is with this objective in mind that we sometimes take additional quality control steps before scores are released.

For the reasons stated above, your most recent TOEFL iBT® scores are delayed because they are under administrative review. This review is routinely performed and in certain circumstances may take approximately four weeks. We hope you realize only accurate and valid test results are meaningful and helpful to score recipients.

At the conclusion of our review, you will be notified only if there are questions concerning your scores. If they are released, your scores will be reported to you and to the institutions or agencies you have designated to receive them. If you have not heard from us in approximately two weeks from today, you can call us at

你的成绩会被delay四周。因为它们额外的administrative review