out there是什么意思?


out there的具体解释
第一种解释:不知道在什么地方(in a place that could be anywhere except here )
例句:My real father is out there and one day I plan to find him. 我的生父就在某个地方,我打算哪天去找他。
第二种解释:在那里〔在大家都会注意到的地方〕(where someone or something can be noticed by many people)
例句:Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids. 杰里•刘易斯总是在那里为残疾孩子募捐。
第三种解释: 〔想法﹑艺术作品等〕古怪的,出格的(informal an idea, work of art etc that is out there is so unusual that it might seem silly or extreme)
例句:He’s brilliant, but some of his ideas are really out there. 他很聪明,但有些想法真的很出格。