

What is the fear of something called in English?
How do you say "overcoming the fear" in English?
Can you suggest the correct translation for "令人恐惧的" in English?
Example: "Terrifying" or "Frightening"
How would you translate "陷入深深的恐惧中" into English?
Example: "Was plunged into the depth of fear"
How do you translate "战胜你的恐惧" into English?
Example: "Get over your fear"
How can you overcome your fear of English?
1. Adjust your mindset. Avoid having resistant or fearful thoughts about learning English, such as worrying about making mistakes or being laughed at. This is the most important prerequisite.
2. Watch English-language movies you enjoy. This helps cultivate interest and provides an opportunity to mimic the colloquial language used. You can pause the video frequently to study.
3. Practice imitation, reading aloud, and listening to English. Be courageous and speak up, regardless of what others might think. Consistent effort will earn respect.
4. Review previously learned material frequently, keeping each review session brief but frequent.
5. If you are determined to learn, there are always opportunities around you. Persist and avoid being driven by short-lived enthusiasm.
How do you translate "Having courage doesn't mean the fear isn't existent, but daring to face and overcome it" into English?
How would you express "回顾过去的两年,我依然记得克服恐惧的骄傲" in English?
Example: "Recalling the past two years, I still remember the pride of overcoming fear."
How do you express "我们要战胜自己内心的恐惧" in English?
Example: "We must conquer the fear within us."
These are my responses, and I hope they help you.