


A treadmill is a device generally for walking or running or climbing while staying in the same place. 跑步机通常是在原地行走、跑步或攀爬的设备。

2、Exercise bike:健身脚踏车。

Exercise bike(as known as stationary bicycle,exercise bicycle or spinning bike)健身脚踏车(也称为固定自行车、健身自行车或动感单车)。

3、Leg press machine:腿压机。

The leg press is a weight training excercise in which the individual push a weight or resistance away by them using their legs. 腿压机是一种重量训练运动,在这种运动中,个人用腿把重量或阻力推开。

4、Bench press:仰卧推举。

Bench Press is a full body, compound exercise. You can get your chest, shoulders and triceps trained. 仰卧推举是一种全身综合锻炼。你的胸部、肩膀和三头肌能得到锻炼。


The dumbbell is a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand.哑铃是一种用于举重训练的器械。它可以单独使用,也可以成对使用,每只手拿一个。

6、Rowing machine:划船器。

A rowing machine is essentially a piece of exercise equipment that mimics the motion of rowing a boat in water.赛艇机本质上是一种模拟水中划船运动的运动器材。
