






Hello, Sarah speaking!

John Sayles speaking. Who's calling  please?


Mr. Wang's office. May l know who'scalling, please?

Thank you for calling Paper Plus(公司名)Jean speaking.

Hello Dr Wang's(公司名) How can I helpyou?

Auckland University Library. Jackspeaking. What can I do for you?



Hey James. It's Kim calling.

Hello, this is Julie Madison calling


Hi. lt's lsabel from the dentist's officehere.

Hello Samuel . This is Alan calling fromHappy Kids Education. How are you?



Hi. ls Kerry there?

Can you please put Michael on?

Can I talk to John? Tell him Mary's calling


May I speak to Mr Johnston in theaccounting department, please?

Good morning. ls Dr Martin available. please?


Just a sec. I'll get him.

Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in

One moment please. I'll see if he'savailable.

Hold the line please. I'll put you through ina moment.

Please hold while I put you through to themanager's office.


Could you please repeat that?

Would you mind spelling that for me?

Could you speak up a little, please?

Can you speak a little slower, please. MyEnglish isn't very good, I'm afraid.

Could you let me know when she'll be inthe office, please?

Would you mind calling back in an hour?

I'm in a meeting just now.

Can you call again? I think we have a badconnection.

Please hold for just a minute. I haveanother call.

This is a wrong number. Please don't callthis number again.


Can I leave a message?

Would you mind giving her a message?

Would it be possible to leave a message?

Could you tell her William called?

Could you ask him to call Peny when hegets in?

I don't think he has my number. Do youhave a pen handy?

Thanks. It's James Black and my numberis...


Let me repeat that just to make sure. lt'sJames Black at ...(电话号码) ?

I'll make sure he gets the message.

Okay, Just double check with you thatvour address is....?


Can please I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Nelson's not in. I can tell him you called ifyou like.

No, that's okay. I'll call him later.

I'm sorry, but Linda's not here at themoment. Can I take a message?

I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would youlike to leave a message?

She's busy right now. Would you like herto return your call?

He's in a meeting at the moment. Can hecall you back when he's free?

Fine. I'll let him know you called

I'll make sure she gets your message


Well, I guess I'd better get going. Talkagain soon, OK?

Thanks for calling. Bye for now.

I have to let you go now.

I have another call coming through. I'd

better run.

i'm afraid that's my other line.

I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Judy.

第1个回答  2023-07-01




最怕有些咨询电话,对方也不知道要找谁,一上来就长篇叙述自己的问题,刚开始业务不太熟练的我,常常在对方噼里啪啦地叙述5分钟后,静默两秒,然后艰难滴抛出:“Pardon me?”,那种尴尬难以形容。








Hello, Sarah speaking!

John Sayles speaking. Who's calling  please?


Mr. Wang's office. May l know who'scalling, please?

Thank you for calling Paper Plus(公司名)Jean speaking.

Hello Dr Wang's(公司名) How can I helpyou?

Auckland University Library. Jackspeaking. What can I do for you?



Hey James. It's Kim calling.

Hello, this is Julie Madison calling


Hi. lt's lsabel from the dentist's officehere.

Hello Samuel . This is Alan calling fromHappy Kids Education. How are you?



Hi. ls Kerry there?

Can you please put Michael on?

Can I talk to John? Tell him Mary's calling


May I speak to Mr Johnston in theaccounting department, please?

Good morning. ls Dr Martin available. please?


Just a sec. I'll get him.

Hang on a moment. I'll see if she's in

One moment please. I'll see if he'savailable.

Hold the line please. I'll put you through ina moment.

Please hold while I put you through to themanager's office.


Could you please repeat that?

Would you mind spelling that for me?

Could you speak up a little, please?

Can you speak a little slower, please. MyEnglish isn't very good, I'm afraid.

Could you let me know when she'll be inthe office, please?

Would you mind calling back in an hour?

I'm in a meeting just now.

Can you call again? I think we have a badconnection.

Please hold for just a minute. I haveanother call.

This is a wrong number. Please don't callthis number again.


Can I leave a message?

Would you mind giving her a message?

Would it be possible to leave a message?

Could you tell her William called?

Could you ask him to call Peny when hegets in?

I don't think he has my number. Do youhave a pen handy?

Thanks. It's James Black and my numberis...


Let me repeat that just to make sure. lt'sJames Black at ...(电话号码) ?

I'll make sure he gets the message.

Okay, Just double check with you thatvour address is....?


Can please I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Nelson's not in. I can tell him you called ifyou like.

No, that's okay. I'll call him later.

I'm sorry, but Linda's not here at themoment. Can I take a message?

I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would youlike to leave a message?

She's busy right now. Would you like herto return your call?

He's in a meeting at the moment. Can hecall you back when he's free?

Fine. I'll let him know you called

I'll make sure she gets your message


Well, I guess I'd better get going. Talkagain soon, OK?

Thanks for calling. Bye for now.

I have to let you go now.

I have another call coming through. I'd

better run.

i'm afraid that's my other line.

I'll talk to you again soon. Bye Judy.