


完全无法看懂,发出去有损中国人面子 >.<


Dear Sir/Mdm,
first of all, i would like to start by saying a big thank you to all of you for your concern which is much appreciated.
i am a disabled student from China. I have received my primary and secondary school education in mainstream schools but i will be entering Nanjing high school for the hearing disabled next for my high school courses after which i look forward to going to the United States and being a part of such a prestigious institution. but in the meantime, i hope to seek some clarification on some issues:

1.There are much differences between a mainstream school and a special school for the hearing disabled in terms of their curriculum. What are some preparations i should make?

2.If i were to apply for XXXX(校名), do i need to sit for any test? And what should i be preparing for the application?

3.Are there any special requirements for the admission of Chinese disables into the school? How do i qualify for application?

i am so sorry for disturbing, but it would be great if you could answer my queries. Thanks in advance!

hearing disability will eventually accompany me for the rest of my life but i am still optimistic and have a lot of faith in myself. under the joint effort from me and my family, i overcame my speech disability and can now speak quite fluently and i can even play music instrument, though i believe i am nowhere near being good at it. I love to write and i aspire to become a scriptwriter. I have studied art and have good foundations and the artistic sense unique to the hearing disabled.
i strive to improve myself and become an independent person with my own personality and a strong will. i shall not be afraid to live in mainstream society and besides working for my own living, i will do my best to look after loved ones. Do have faith in me!

all the best!

yours sincerely,



首先, 那啥Hello,Ladies and Gentlemen是用在讲话时的,写信不能这样写, 一律用 Dear XXX,

在国外 聋哑/残障/低能 之类的学校都叫 特别学校 special schools

聋 用 hearing disabled 而不是deaf
智障 用 mentally disabled 而非 dumb


第1个回答  2010-06-21
Respect the lady or gentleman, hello!
First, thank you very much for your attention. I am a student from China international students. I hear of people in health school through primary and junior high school curriculum, next to nanjing deaf senior middle school learning courses. Your best be heard about this school, I want to ask you some information:
1 the deaf hear people with health school professor of school curriculum span bigger, do excuse me I need to prepare some?
2. If you want to apply for admission, excuse me I need to participate in what exam? Prepare some what material?
3 if we want to enter your Chinese deaf, which requires elements have your qualifications?
Liberty bother very sorry, I hope you can help me solve these doubts, very grateful! Although I am a deaf, cannot restore physical trauma and defect, but I believe in yourself and have strong faith. In the joint efforts of my family and I can speak fluently, can also play an instrument, although those sound not sweet. I love writing, the biggest wish is to learn script writing. And I learn art, has a profound and unique artistic perception deaf. I will gradually improve oneself, to become an independent person, and a strong man and a live in the mainstream of society, an independent personality, and can depend on own strength to live bottom to go to of person, and a force protection of those who loved by the people. Please believe!
With regards to you and best wishes.
第2个回答  2010-06-21
Dear Madam or sir, hello!
First of all, Thank you for your attention. I am a deaf student from China. I am hearing people finished the primary and secondary school curriculum, the next to enter the high school learning high school courses in Nanjing for the Deaf. Numerous famous far and wide longing heard so much about your school on this school, I would like to ask you some messages:
1. Deaf and hearing people the school curriculum taught in schools and larger span, what do I need to prepare?
2. If you want to apply for your school, ask what tests I need to participate? What preparation materials?
3. Chinese deaf school if you want to enter your school, what elements need to have your school only has the qualifications to apply?
Venture to disturb very sorry, hope you can help me answer these doubts, very grateful! Although I am a deaf, with no recovery of physical injuries and defects, but I believe and have faith. Me and my family together in the efforts I can speak fluently, you can also play a musical instrument, although that does not sound pleasant. I love writing, the biggest desire is to learn script writing. And I study art, with deep foundation and the perception of art unique to the deaf. I will gradually improve themselves and strive to become an independent person, a strong man, a living person in mainstream society, a country with an independent personality, and can live on its own people, and a force protection around them love human beings. Please believe it!
Greet you in the most sincere wishes.
第3个回答  2010-06-21

Respect the lady or gentleman, hello!
First, thank you very much for your attention. I am a student from China international students. I hear of people in health school through primary and junior high school curriculum, next to nanjing deaf senior middle school learning courses. Your best be heard about this school, I want to ask you some information:
1 the deaf hear people with health school professor of school curriculum span bigger, do excuse me I need to prepare some?
2. If you want to apply for admission, excuse me I need to participate in what exam? Prepare some what material?
3 if we want to enter your Chinese deaf, which requires elements have your qualifications?
Liberty bother very sorry, I hope you can help me solve these doubts, very grateful! Although I am a deaf, cannot restore physical trauma and defect, but I believe in yourself and have strong faith. In the joint efforts of my family and I can speak fluently, can also play an instrument, although those sound not sweet. I love writing, the biggest wish is to learn script writing. And I learn art, has a profound and unique artistic perception deaf. I will gradually improve oneself, to become an independent person, and a strong man and a live in the mainstream of society, an independent personality, and can depend on own strength to live bottom to go to of person, and a force protection of those who loved by the people. Please believe!
With regards to you and best wishes.
第4个回答  2010-06-21
Hello,Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all,thanks for your concern.I'm a deaf and dumb student from China.I've finished both the primary and junior courses in the school for normal hearing people ,next,I will enter Nanjing High School for the Deaf to hang on my senior courses.I've heard a lot about your school which is famous all over the world,and I'm looking forward to it.Therefore,I want to ask for some information about your school.
1.I know that the courses in the school for the deaf is of great span with the school for the normal hearing people,so please tell me what should I prepare for it.
2.If I want to apply to study in your school,need I attend some exams?And what material should I prepare?
3.What qualities are required to apply for the admission to your school if the deaf from China want to enter your school?

I feel very sorry for bothering you and I hope you can help me answer these questions,I will appreciate you very much.Although I'm a deaf person with unrecoverable physical injuries and defect,I believe in myself and I am always of a firm faith.With the help from my family,I become able to speak fluently,besides,I also can play the musical instrument although it doesn't sound good.I love writing and my greatest hope is to learn the playwriting.In addition,I've been learning to draw pictures,and I'm skilled with the artistic perception proper to the deaf.I will improve myself step by step and make every effort to be the person,independent and strong,living in the mainstream society,with independent personality and can live through with my own effots,and own the power to protect the people I loved around me.Please believe me.

Best regards.
