

【专升本快速报名和免费咨询:https://www.87dh.com/xl/ 】Directions: write a composition on the topic of “On the Private Car” in three paragraphs:
1. 有人赞成拥有私家车
2. 有人反对拥有私家车
3. 你的结论
You are supposed to write at least 100 words. Words and expressions that may be useful for you: environmental pollution energy shortage seek comfort convenience
On the Private Car
Recently there has been a heated discussion as to whether a person should own a car. Attitude to this issue varies from person to person. Some think there are good reasons for owning a car. To Them, a car allows a person to move freely. It brings convenience to its owner.
But there are many more arguments against such ideas. First, it can be very expensive to purchase, repair and even parka car. Secondly, owning a car can cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive in rush-hours in the overcrowded streets or to drive around and around to find a parking lot. Finally, as everyone knows that cars use fuel and give off exhaust, which may worsen the problem of energy shortage and environment pollution.
From the above discussion, we can see that the disadvantages of owning a car outweigh its advantages. So I think private cars should be restricted rather than encouraged.
