

第1个回答  2024-06-25
Why Does English Reading Comprehension Have a Low Accuracy Rate? How Can This Be Improved?
1. Limited vocabulary hinders comprehension. Many students struggle with a shortage of words, often avoiding or neglecting vocabulary memorization. Without a sufficient number of words, understanding the text is fragmentary at best.
2. Inadequate grammar knowledge leads to confusion with complex sentences. Students may misinterpret the text due to an inability to distinguish the main components of complex sentences, thus missing the intended meaning.
3. Lack of understanding of the text's logic. Some questions are not based on specific statements or viewpoints within the text but rather on the overarching logic of the article. Simply comprehending individual sentences is insufficient to grasp the article's logic, leading to easy points lost.
4. Misinterpretation of questions and headings. It is crucial to understand the questions asked after the text, as they are the key. Many students fail to grasp the questions, resulting in options that are irrelevant to the query.
5. Carelessness and imprecision.
How to Address These Issues?
1. Commit to memorizing vocabulary. Essential words should be reviewed three times, and the text should be read repeatedly to internalize key terms.
2. Strengthen grammar knowledge to tackle complex sentences.
3. Develop the ability to locate information and understand the meaning of words in context. For most questions requiring specific information and some inferential skills, the most important skill is to locate the relevant information in the text, understand it, and then match it to the correct answer choice.
4. Focus on understanding the logic of the text by recognizing transitional words. By identifying these cues, the structure of the argument becomes clear.
5. Take the time to fully understand questions and headings before attempting to answer.
6. Be meticulous, thorough, and avoid oversimplification or generalization. Instead, strive for a comprehensive understanding that accurately reflects the details and nuances of the text.