求助英语高手 汉译英!!并在句子中用上括号里的词组!

1.毫无疑问,这次搜寻在洪水中失踪人员的工作仍将继续下去。(there is no doubt that)
2.他捐了20万元钱给贫困地区建造了一所学校,不求任何汇报。(in return)
3.我不清楚这些文件是谁的。9belong to)
4.他们来到大山深处寻找野生人参。(in search of)
5.60年代,美国的乡村音乐的歌词对政治领袖的评价不高。(think highly of)
6.他们对哪个证人的话进行了调查,发现是捏造的。(look into)
7.这个孩子很喜欢把钟表,玩具之类的东西拆开,再组装。(take apart)

1.There is no doubt that the search for those lost people in the flood will continue.
2.He donated 200,000 yuan for the poor areas to build a school and asked for nothing in return.
3.I'm not sure who these documents belong to.
4.They came to the depths of the mountain in search of wild ginseng.
5.In 1960s,the lyrics of American country music did not think highly of the political leaders.
6.The looked into what the eyewitness said and found that it was fake.
7.The child likes to take apart such things as clocks and toys,and then make them up.