
6.The Lunar New Year was always a happy time_.
A for us Chinese children B for Chinese children as us
C for we Chinese children D for we, Chinese children
7._the students of the class passed the examination
A.almost all of B.Most all of
C.Most of all D.Almost the whole of
8.Most of housework was done by two members of family ,my mother and _.
A.I B.mine C.me D.myself
9._ lessons were not difficult.
A.Our first few short French B.Our few first short French C.Our few first French short C.Few our first French short
10.”What is the difference?” “this furniture is difference from _.”
A.the book B.your C.that one D.that
11.He was informed that it was _ who wanted the interview.
A.I B.me C.myself D.mine
12.”Someone is at the door.” ”_?”
A.What is it B.Who is it C.nobody else D.Some body else
13.Everybody in the class must hand in _ exercise book within the given time.
A.their B.her C.our D.his
14”Do you want these pens?” “I don’t like _.”
A.them all B.all of them C.all they D.all every
15.When science,business,art learn something of_goals,the world will have come closer to cultural harmony.
A.one another’s B.each other’s C.themselves D.one another
16.Since the earliest ancestor of the whales were land creatured,the question has arisen as to how _.
A.did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate
B.was the flipper adaptation if the whale originated
C.the flipper adaptation of the whale originated
D.the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate
17.An air brake is_the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from turning.
A.a brake that uses B.a brake used to
C.what any brake is used for D.that brake is used for
(解释一下used to 和be used to的区别啊,好像一个是过去常常一个是现在常常是吧?)
18.”Do you need more water in the pan?””No,it has_.”
A.already enough full B.full already enough
C.already had enough D.had already enough
19._before we depart the day after tomorrow,we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive
C.Were they arrived D.Were they arriving
20.People who won’t work should be made_.
A.work B.to work C.working D.to be working

16题 选D
as to 意思是“至于”,the question has arisen as to how _.整个句子翻译成:“至于(谈到)how...,问题就出来了。”
主句是the question has arisen,它是个完整的句子。
给个例子:the question has arisen as to how they died. 至于(谈到)他们是怎么消失了,问题出现了。how they disappeared,how 后面用的是they disappeared,先主语(they)后谓语(disappeared).

分析句子结构,提出句子的主要成分:An air brake is。主语是 an air brake,谓语是 is,缺了表语。选上A 后。a brake 作了 is的表语。that uses the power of compressed air to stop a wheel from turning是个定语从句修饰的是a brake。句子结构清楚了吧。

是因为把arrived 当成了形容词,“已到达的”。考的是虚拟语气。给你讲个例子: If I had met Li Hua, I could had told him。(如果我碰见了李华,我就告诉了他了),为了简略,If I had met Li Hua可变成 “had I met Li Hua ”即把助动词提前,后接主谓语序。本题就是这种情况,were 提前了。本来是If they were arrived ,改成了 were they arrived如果他们在我们后天离开之前就到达了的话,我们本可以好好聚餐的。

考的是使役动词的被动语态。使役动词如let,have,make,表示使...如何如何。以make为例,在主动语态中句式为make sb do sth,(do前面不加to)而用作被动语态时,必须加to.即sb be made to do sth.本题属第二种情况。
第1个回答  2010-07-03
17题,used to 是过去常常而现在动作不存在,与would相反(would所指的情况于现在没多大关系) be used to doing sth 表示习惯做某事 be used to do sth 是指被用来做某事
第2个回答  2010-07-04
13题 首先你要知道everybody是单数的 在所指性别不明的情况下一般用his
17题答案是A 意思是:air brake是一种使用压缩空气的力量来使轮子停下的刹车.

1.XXX is used to do sth. XXX被用于做…… 注意这个跟的是动词不定式
2.XXX is used to sth. XXX已经习惯了某事/某物 注意这个跟名词
3.XXX used to do sth. XXX过去常常…… 注意主语后面没有be动词 直接说used
(请注意区分第一个和第二个的区别。第一种表达方式其实就是简单的被动式 只是和第二种长得很像而已 )

17题中 that uses XXX to do sth. that后面跟的是描述air brake的句子 与刚才的三种情况无关 请看我把句子分层:
An air brake //is a brake// that uses the power of compressed air/ to stop a wheel from turning.
An air brake//is a break//that uses the power(of compressed air)/ to stop (a wheel from turning).
剩下的就是 An air break// is a break// that uses sth. to do sth. 明白了吧?
16题选C。 在一个陈述句里出现how这样的疑问词,后面应该用陈述句语序 举两个例子i don't know how they did that. I want to see where she goes.
A,B都用的是一般的疑问句语序 D压根就不对 不能说to originate 而且鲸的鳍状肢已经进化出来了 说的是过去的事 所以选C
Since the earliest ancestor of the whales were land creatured,the question has arisen as to how _.
A.did the flipper adaptation of the whale originate
B.was the flipper adaptation if the whale originated
C.the flipper adaptation of the whale originated
D.the flipper adaptation of the whale to originate

19题选C。我比较同意morein2008的解释。这是对未来的猜测 再加上倒装 但是他翻译的时候不应该加上“本来可以”,因为如果一那样就表示这件事已经发生过了 而原句里并没有这个意思(如果要表达已经发生过的事,那应该是下面的第3种)
1.真实的可能性 If XXX does sth, XXX will do sth. 如果XXX做某事,XXX就会……
2.没有可能的 或者表示猜测的 If XXX did sth, XXX would do sth. 如果XXX做某事,XXX就会……主要用于可能性不大的事或表示猜测
3.假设一件过去没有发生的事 If XXX had done sth, XXX would have done sth. 如果XXX当初做了某事,XXX现在就该已经……

20题你选对了 答案就是B be made to do sth. 被强迫做某事


第3个回答  2010-07-03
6 for us Chinese children 对于我们中国孩子来说 us 和Chinese children 是同位语,作介词for的宾语,用宾格us
7 almost all of the students of the class passed the examination
中all of the students 固定搭配,most of the students也可。
8.Most of housework was done by two members of family ,my mother and me 中 my mother and me作介词 by的宾语用宾格。
9.A.Our first few short French 多个形容词修饰一个名词排序的问题。限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。our first few 是限定词,人称在先,叙述词在后,不定代词再后。short是高矮,French 是国籍。
10.”What is the difference?” “this furniture is difference from that 我认为D对。 furniture不可数,one指代可数单数,C不对。

11.He was informed that it was _ who wanted the interview.
A.I 强调句型强调的是主语,用主格。
12 答案选B
Who is it 不知道是男是女,是老是少,用it。
13.Everybody 作主语,一般可看成男他,所以用his
14I don’t like _
A.them all 或any of them。
15.A.one another’s 指三者或三者以上互相 B.each other’s 指两者之间互相
16C.the flipper adaptation of the whale originated
C对。首先看语序,AB倒装去掉。D how sb to do错,应该用how to do
used to 是过去常常后接动词原型,和be used to do被用来干、、、be used to doing适应于习惯于.
18.”Do you need more water in the pan?””No,it has_.”
选c C.already had enough 在 A.already enough full 用already full enough也对。
19.B.Would they arrive对,这是省略倒装结构。还原为虚拟语气ifthey would arrive 对将来的虚拟。

20.选A.work make somebody do 使让某人干某事。