在英语中at the meeting和in the meeting有什么区别


首先我们来看下at the meeting和in the meeting的大致意思:

at the meeting:词性为短语,at表示所在位置,the表示特定的会议

in the meeting:词性为短语,in表示参与其中,the表示特定的会议

通过下面的表格我们了解下at the meeting和in the meeting的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下at the meeting和in the meeting的用法区别:

1.语义区别:at the meeting强调参加会议的位置,而in the meeting强调参与会议的活动


- He is the host of the meeting and gives a speech at the meeting.


- She is a participant in the meeting and has made many suggestions in the meeting.


2.时间区别:at the meeting指的是在会议的具体时间,in the meeting指的是会议进行的整个过程


- We arrived at the meeting ten minutes before it started.


- They discussed for an hour in the meeting.


3.位置区别:at the meeting强调参加会议的地点,而in the meeting强调参与会议的环境


- I sit at the front row at the meeting room.


- Please keep quiet in the meeting room.

