请问 情态动词,助动词,使役动词 都用什么表示?蟹蟹!


助动词be、have和do 1.Be动词的用法(1)助动词be和现在分词一起构成进行时或完成进行时。如:He is reading.他在读书。I'll be waiting for you there then.我到时在那儿等你。(2)助动词be和过去分词一起构成被动语态。如:Is he taken good care of?他被照顾得好吗?They shall be punished.他们一定要受惩罚的。(3)助动词be用作系动词。如:Matthew is a teacher.马修是个老师。We were late today.我们今天迟到了。(4)助动词be和不定式连用,可以表示下面几种情况。表计划,只用于肯定句和疑问句。如:We are to discuss it the following week.我们打算下周讨论那件事。When is the wedding to be?婚礼什么时候举行?表命令,只用于肯定句和否定句。如:All junior officers are to report to the colonel at once.全体下级军官都必须立即向上校报到。Tom says I am to leave you alone.汤姆要我不理会你。表可能,多用于被动结构。如:Her father was often to be seen in the bar of this hotel.在这家旅馆的酒吧经常可见到她父亲。Where is he to be found?在哪儿可找到他?表示“必须”,“应该”多用于现在式。如:Nobody is to leave this room.谁也不许离开这个房间。What am I to do next?下一步我该做什么?He's to blame.该怪他。表注定,多用于过去式。如:He was to be my teacher and friend for many years to come.在后来许多年里,他是我的老师和朋友。The professor did not know at the time that he was never to see his native place again.当时教授不知道他再也见不到他的故土了。(5)助动词be用于条件从句。如:If we are to succeed,we must redouble our efforts.我们要想成功,必须加倍努力才行。(are to意为“想要”)(6)be后接going to,about to,on the point of等表示将来时间或根据计划、
意图等将要发生的事。如:It's going to rain.快要下雨了。(将来时间)He's about to leave.他正要走。(将来时间)2.Have的用法(1)助动词have与过去分词一起构成各种完成时态。如:I have read the book.我读过这本书。Kenny has left.肯尼已经走了。(2)助动词have与been+现在分词构成各种完成进行时态。如:I have been washing the clothes the whole morning.整个上午我都在洗衣服。Lambert has been working as a worker here for nearly five years.兰伯特一直在这里当工人,几乎有五年了。(3)助动词have构成had better,had best,had rather等词组。Had better和had best是“最好还是……”或“还是……好”的意思。在had better中,had不表示过去时间,不能用have或has代替。had better后可接不带to的不定式或接进行式、完成式或被动语态。had better的否定式是had better not。如:You had better stay at home.你最好呆在家里。You'd better have had that experience before.假如你以前有过那个经验就好了。You'd better not run the risk.你最好不要冒那个险。(4)补充Have还可用作使役动词和实义动词(表示”有”,”吃”等意义)。如:They have had the problem solved.他们让其他人解决了这个问题.(使役动词)Bad news has wings.丑事传千里.(实义动词)What shall we have for lunch?我们午饭吃甚么?(实义动词)3.Do的用法(1)助动词do,does和did用于构成否定句、疑问句和倒装句。如:Do you understand all this?你明白这一切吗?Don't go yet.先别走。(2)助动词do,does和did用于代替句中的主要动词,以避免重复。如:He didn't go to the party.Neither did I.他没有去参加晚会,我也没有去。I do not agree.Nor does he.我不同意,他也不同意。(3)用于加强语气,do,does和did位于陈述句的动词原形前,do位于祈使句中的动词原形前。如:Do have another cup of coffee before you go.走前请一定再喝一杯咖啡。
That's exactly what he did say.他就是那样说的。But I do want to go.可是我确实想去。(4)在一些以否定副词如never,rarely,scarcely,only等为首的句子中,如果实义动词是现在时或过去时,助动词do和did可以构成主谓倒装。如:Never did I tell him about that.我从来没有告诉过他那件事。Rarely does it snow in the South.南方很少下雪。情态动词can、may、must的用法1.can的用法(1)can表示主语的能力。如:The hall can seat 1,000 people.这个大厅能坐1 000人。Can you play the piano?你会弹钢琴吗?(2)can表示说话人的猜测(即可能性),多用于否定句和疑问句。如:Can it be true?这能是真的吗?The moon can't always be at the full.月不可能总是圆的。What can she mean?她可能是什么意思呢?(3)can表示许可。如:This sort of thing can't go on.这样的事不能再继续下去了。You can't smoke here.你不可在这里吸烟。(4)“can+完成式”表示说话人对过去情况的猜测(只用于否定和疑问结构中)。如:He can't have missed the way.I explained the route carefully and drew him a map.他不会迷路。我对他详细说明了路线,还画了一张地图。Can the team have left already?球队已经离开了吗?2.could的用法(1)could表示主语的能力,为can的过去时形式,如:Daisy couldn't come yesterday because she was ill.戴西昨天不能来是因为她病了。They said they could swim.他们说他们会游泳。(2)could表示说话人的猜测(即可能性)。如:He could be right.他或许是对的。Could it be Henry?可能是亨利吗?At that time we thought the story could not be true.那时我们认为所说的事不可能是真的。(3)could表示许可。如:Father said I could swim in the river.爸爸说我可以在河里游泳。
英语中具有使役意义的动词较多,跟人们常常说的使役动词不是一个概念.通常我们说使役动词,指的是make, have, let这三个动词,它们在后接不定式作宾语补足语时要省去不定式符号to的特定用法.但具有使役意义的动词数量上远不止这些,用法也较灵活,现将其分类叙述如下,以饷读者.(注:英语动词意义丰富,在此仅限于“使役”意义.)
1 使役动词have, let, make (常用于复合结构)
1). have +宾语+省to不定式:表示主语“要”“使”“让”宾语干某事,宾语和宾补之间是一种主动关系.而且还可以与情态动词will, would连用,不用于被动结构.
The rich lady had the singer eat with his servants.
I will have him come and help you.
2). have+宾语+现在分词:表示让某人或物连续进行某动作或处于某状态中,宾语和宾补是一种主动关系.亦可转化为“劝说,鼓励”宾语干某事.
The two cheats had the lights burning all night long.
He had us waiting for him three hours yesterday.
I have them all talking to each other in English. 我鼓励他们用英语交谈.
3). have +宾语+过去分词:表示主语的主观意志,即主语让别人为自己完成某事,宾语和宾补是动宾关系.还可以表示主语遭受到来利或不测的事.
Tom said he had had his TV set repaired.
Tom had his wallet stolen on the bus yesterday.
Have you washed your clothes? 你洗了衣服了吗?(自己洗)
Have you had your clothes washed? 你叫人洗了衣服了吗?(别人洗)
4). have+宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语作宾补
Please have your tickets ready.
The Emperor had nothing on.
I am sure I’ll have him in the argument.
1). let +宾语+省to不定式:表示主语“要”“使”“让”宾语干某事,宾语和宾补之间是一种主动关系,罕用于被动语态.有时也可指一种假设.let后不能接现在分词,过去分词作宾补.
Let them stay in the classroom and do their exercises themselves.
Let AB be equal to CD. 假设AB等于CD.
2). let+宾语+副词/介词短语作宾补
Let me in and let them out.
Who let you into the building?
1). make +宾语+省to不定式:表示主语“要”“使”“让”宾语干某事,宾语和宾补之间是一种主动关系.此结构常用被动结构.make后不接现在分词作宾补.
The teacher made the naughty boy stand there for an hour.
The naughty boy was made to stand there for an hour.
He raised his voice to make himself heard.
Can you easily make yourself understood in English?
They will make an important plan known to the public soon.
3). make+宾语+形容词,宾语亦可是从句.
The news made her happy.
He made it clear that he objected to the proposal.
2 “半使役动词”amaze, astonish等
“半使役动词”在英语语法上还是一个没有被认同的概念或术语,而只是认可了其v-ing形式和v-ed形式作为形容词使用.但这类词汇数量较大,使用频率高,业已成为学习和考查中的重点,难点,易混易错点,而且在教学一线已经广泛地被教师和学生所接受.半使役动词之所以得名,一则它们的意义都有“使某人感到……”,再则是为了与具有特殊用法的使役动词let, have, make等区别开来.
amaze(使某人感到惊呀), astonish(使某人感到惊奇),
bore(使某人感到厌倦), complicate(使某人感到复杂),
confuse(使某人感到迷惑), disappoint (使某人感到失望),
delight(使某人感到高兴), discourage(使某人感到气馁),
distinguish(使某人感到显著), excite (使某人感到兴奋),
encourage(使某人感到鼓舞), exhaust (使某人感到疲倦),
frighten(使某人感到恐惧), interest (使某人感到有趣),
inspire(使某人感到刺激), move(使某人感到激动),
please(使某人感到高兴), puzzle(使某人感到不解),
satisfy(使某人感到满意), surprise(使某人感到惊异),
shock(使某人感到震惊), strike (使某人感到震动),
tire(使某人感到疲惫), upset (使某人感到迷惑不解),等等.
2.2半使役动词的主动式用法:something + Vt. + somebody
如:What surprised him most was her bravery. His brave deeds moved China.
The exam result satisfied his parents. The boy’s behavior upset everybody around.
如:interest----interesting, interested; astonish----astonishing, astonished;
please----pleasing, pleased, pleasant; satisfy----satisfying, satisfied, satisfactory.
The film we saw last night was very interesting.
We were all interested in the film.
The frightening hurricane made the girl very frightened.
The teacher was satisfied with the answer of his students.
3 使役意义状态动词get, leave, set, send, keep, drive, etc.常用于复合结构中
3.1get 使成为/变得某种状态或结果(get的用法跟have很接近)
I can’t get the old radio to work. 我无法让那旧收音机工作起来.(接带to不定式作宾补)
Can you really get that old car going again? 你真能让那旧车运转起来吗?
The farmer got his planting done before the rain came. 那农民在雨季前完成了种植.
He got his wrist broken. 他折断了手腕.(主语发生了不幸的事)
She soon got the children ready for school. 她迅速使孩子们做好了上学准备.
3.2leave 使保持/处于某种状态
Leave your hat and coat in the hall. 把帽子和外套放在大厅里.
Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened? 你把门窗紧紧锁上了吗?
Always leave things where you can find them again. 总应把东西放在能再次找到的地方.
Who left that window open? 谁让窗户开着?
Don’t leave him waiting outside in the rain. 别让他在外面雨中等待.
Leave somebody / something alone. 不要干涉某人或某事.
Leave well alone. 事情已经够好了,不要再去管它了.// 不要画蛇添足.
3.3set 使某人或某物处于或达到某种特殊的状态或关系
set somebody at his ease 使某人安逸/舒适/心情放松
set something in order 使某物井然有序
set somebody free / at liberty 使某人获得自由,释放(犯人等)
It’s time we set the machine going. 是我们发动机器的时候了.
The news set me thinking. 这消息使我陷入了沉思.
He set the farm laborer to chop wood. 他让农场工人去砍伐木材.
I have set myself to finish the job by the end of May.我决心于五月底前完成那工作.
set a thief to catch a thief. 以毒攻毒;令贼捉贼
3.4 send 使某人或某物急剧地移动
The earthquake sent the crockery and cutlery crashing to the ground. 地震将杯盘刀叉震落在地上.
Mind how you go---- you nearly sent me flying. 小心点,你差点将我撞飞了.
Send that fellow about his business / packing. 叫那家伙滚蛋.
The good harvest sent the prices down. 丰收使物价下跌.
3.5drive 使某人处于某状态,迫使某人做某事
Failure drove him to despair / desperation. 失败使他绝望.
You’ll drive me mad / to my wits’ end. 你会把我气疯的./ 你会使我穷尽应付的.
Hunger drove him to steal. = He was driven by hunger to steal. 他为饥饿所迫而偷窃.
3.6keep 使某人或某物保持某种状态
You should keep the children quiet. 你要使孩子们静下来.
The cold weather kept us indoors. 寒冷的天气使我们待在家里.
If your hands are cold, keep them in your pockets. 如果你手冷,把它们放在口袋里.
Will they keep me in prison / custody. 他们会监禁/拘留我吗?
I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting. 很报歉让你久等了.
The doctors managed to keep me going. 医生们设法让我活下去.
4 使役意义动态动词
4.1cause 致使,导致(能接直接宾语,双宾语,复合宾语)
What caused his death? 什么导致了他的死亡?
This has caused us much anxiety. 这给我们带来了极大的忧虑.
What caused the plants to die.(=what made them die.)什么使得这些植物枯死.
He caused the prisoner to be put to death. (=he had them put to death.)他使得这些犯人被处死.
4.2force 迫使,强迫 (宾语后常接介词短语、副词及不定式等)
force one’s way through a crowd 从人群中挤出一条路来.
force a way in / out / through 冲入/出/过
force an entry into a building 强行进入一建筑
force the war upon him 强迫某人作战
force someone into doing something 强迫某人做某事
force sb./ oneself to work hard 迫使某人/自己努力工作
希望我的回答对你有所帮助。 满意请采纳,谢谢追问



modal v.-- Modal Verbs 情态动词

aux.v.-Auxiliary Verb--助动词
caus.v- Causative Verbs使役动词
