

1.Maybe you should (see) a dentist this afternoon.
2.I cut myself so I put some (medicine) on it.
3.My head (felt) very hot.What should I do?
4.Linda,don't sit in the same way for too long without (moving).
5.The little boy ate too much,so he had a (stomachache).
6.Mark works very hard (to make) more money for his family.
7.The old man wanted me (to open) the door for him.
8.We would like (to spend) the weekend with you.

1.(Does) he (have) a fever?
2.(Should we) take the sick man to the hospital?
3.(What's wrong with) you?
第1个回答  2015-03-29
1.opened 2.to spend
第2个回答  2015-03-30