
不知道为什么,我看到being 单词就头疼,麻烦英语大神们 用尽量简短语言帮我这个菜鸟把being这个掌握?PS;包括单独用和在各种时态用

being 既可以是谓语动词,也可以是非谓语动词。作为谓语动词,其用法比较简单,主要用于构成进行时态(含被动语态的进行时态);作为非谓语动词,其用法则比较复杂,可用于引出短语构成主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语等。

一、being 用作谓语动词

1.当 being 为助动词时,用作谓语动词的 being 主要与过去分词连用,构成被动语态。如:
I’m always being criticized. 我总是挨批。
He is being interviewed now. 他现在正在接受面试。
He is being met at the station tonight. 今晚有人去车站迎接他。
2. 当 being 为连系动词时,用作谓语动词的 being 主要与形容词连用,表示临时特征或暂时现象。如:
You’re being stupid. 你真傻。
You are not being very polite. 你可是不大客气呀。
Your brother is being very annoying this evening. 你兄弟今晚很烦人。

二、being 用作非谓语动词

1. 当 being 为助动词时,用作非谓语动词的 being 具有以下用法:
(1) 作主语。如:
Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路可能是一种很可怕的经历。
Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 出名所付出的代价是不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来。
(2) 作宾语。如:
He can’t stand being kept waiting. 让他等着,他可不干。
Do you like being stared at? 你愿意人家盯着你看吗?
(3) 作宾语补足语。如:
I saw him being taken away by the police. 我看到他正被警察带走。
I found myself being drawn into another dreary argument. 我发现竟然身不由己又参与了一次无聊的争论。
It’s interesting (for children) to see a house being built. (孩子们)看造房子是挺有趣的事。
(4) 作定语。如:
Did you see that boy being questioned by the police? 你看见那个男孩受到警察的盘问了吗?
We are going to reduce the number of trees being cut down. 我们要减少砍伐的树的数量。
(5) 作状语。如:
Being given a chance, she immediately jumped at it. 给了她这个机会,她立刻抓住了。
Being well taken care of, she recovered quickly. 她受到很好的照顾,身体恢复得很快。
注:有时 being可带有自己的逻辑主语(构成独立主格结构)。如:
The question being settled, we went home. 问题解决之后,我们就回家了。
(6) 用于独立主格结构。如:
It being a holiday, all the shops were shut. 由于是假日,所有商店都关门了。
The weather being hot, we had to stay at home. 由于天气炎热,我们只好呆在家里。
There being no further business, l declare the meeting closed. 没有再要讨论的事了,我宣布散会。
Other things being equal, Alice would marry Jim. 如果其他条件都一样的话,爱莉丝就会嫁给吉姆。

三、being 用法的限制

1. 当 being 为连系动词时,非谓语动词结构 being ... 可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语等,但是不能用作定语。遇此情况,可考虑改用定语从句。如:
误:Anyone being outside after ten o’clock will be arrested.
正:Anyone who is outside after ten o’clock will be arrested.
2. 当 being 为助动词时,非谓语动词结构 being ... 可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、状语等,也可用作定语。如:
The house being built is our new library. 正在建的房子是我们的新图书馆。
That picture of the children being talked to by the Prime Minister is wonderful. 那张小孩子们正在聆听首相谈话的照片照得非常好
第1个回答  2013-12-12
现在进行时的被动语态:am/is/are being done
过去进行时的被动语态:was/were being done
动名词:I am sorry for (my) being late. 为什么要用being?因为 late 是表语,前面需要系动词,而for 是介词,有要求用动名词,因为才会用being,满足双方要求。
Being a teacher in the future is my dream. 当然此时也可以用To be a teacher......本回答被提问者采纳