


邓布利多:Professor McGonagall,might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside ?(麦格教授,能请你将特里劳妮教授护送进去吗?)
麦格:Sybil,dear. This way.(亲爱的西比尔,这边走。)
特里劳妮:Thank you.(谢谢。)
乌姆里奇:Dumbledore,may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23,as enacted by the minister...(邓布利多,我想提醒你按照魔法部长执行的教育法
邓布利多:You have the right to dismiss my teachers.You do not, however,have the authority to banish them from the grounds.That power remains with the headmaster. (你
乌姆里奇:For now.(目前为止。)
邓布利多:Don't you all have studying to do ?(你们没功课做了吗?)
哈利:Professor...Professor ? Professor Dumbledore. Professor ! Professor Dumbledore. (教授……教授?邓布利多教授,教授!邓布利多教授……)

赫敏:That foul, evil,old gargoyle.We're not learning how to defend ourselves.We're not learning how to pass our OWLs.She
's taking over the entire school.(污秽邪恶的老太婆,我们根本不是在学习如何保护自己,也不是学习如何通过“OWLs”考试,现在整个学校都在她手上了。)
录音机里魔法部长:Security has been and will remain the Ministry's top priority.Furthermore,we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of
notorious mass murderer Sirius Black.(安全问题现在是魔法部的首要任务,此外,我们已经掌握到有力证据,这些失踪事件是由臭名昭著的杀人惯犯小天狼星布莱克所作。)
哈利:Sirius.What are you doing here ?(小天狼星,你在这儿干嘛?)
小天狼星:Answering your letter.You said you were worried about Umbridge.What's she doing ? Training you to kill half-breeds ?(回复你的信啊,你说你很担心乌姆里奇,她
哈利:She's not letting us use magic at all.(她不让我们学习任何魔法。)
小天狼星:Well,I'm not surprised.The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat.(我一点也不感到惊讶,最新的情报是,福吉不想让你们接受战斗训
罗恩:Combat ? What does he think,we're forming some sort of wizard army ?(战斗?他什么意思,以为我们在建立“巫师军团”?)
小天狼星:That's exactly what he thinks.That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the Ministry.He's becoming more paranoid by the minute.The others
wouldn't want me telling you this,Harry,but things aren't going at all well with the order.Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just
how it started before.Voldemort is on the move.(这正是他的想法,邓布利多正私下建立军团以对抗魔法部,他的妄想症越发严重了,其他人不会告诉你这个,哈利,但是凤凰社里的事
哈利:Well,what can we do ? (我们该怎么办?)
小天狼星:Someone's coming.I'm sorry I can't be of more help,but for now,at least,it looks like you're on your own.(有人来了,很抱歉我帮不了你太多,不过至少,现在看来
赫敏:He really is out there,isn't he ? We've got to be able to defend ourselves.And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how,we need someone who will.(他就在外面,对不对

第1个回答  2014-02-27