

2.从句为一般疑问句,常选择引导词if或whether。在 whether … or not 结构中不能用 if 替换。
3.从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what, when,where, which, who, how等疑问代词、疑问副词作引导词。注意:当who为主语时,句式为:who+谓语+其他。
He is wondering when he can finish thisdifficult job.
I don’t think he likes the English teacher.
第1个回答  2015-03-14
从句本身缺少主语,宾语,表语或定语时,用代词性连词,如果不缺少上述成分,且主句部分有疑问或不确定意义用副词性连词,都不是用that.例如 I don't understand what you did.(缺宾语) I don't know when the meeting will begin.(不缺成分,但主句有疑问意) I think you are right.(不缺成分,主句无疑问意义)。上述三步顺序不可乱。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-03-15
He has told me (THAT) he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.

He has told me WHY he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.

He has told me HOW he will go to Shanghai tomorrow.

以上句子很通顺,没有语法问题。不能用 WHEN 因为句子中的 tomorrow 已经回答了“什么时候”。在英文中不能说“他明天什么时候去上海”但可以说“他明天几点去上海”He has told me what time he will go to Shanghai tomorrow。

不能用 WHETHER 因为主句不表示疑问。WHETHER 的用法,请参考《结束蹦单词时代:外教教你用连词》,中国书籍出版社,第65页:

1. Whether my choice has been made is none of your business.
2. I wonder whether he will win the match.
3. Whether or not I wear a tie to work is entirely up to my boss.
4. She doubted whether or not he cared for her at all.
5. Whether you are suitable or not, that is not for us to decide.
6. We were uncertain whether they could succeed or not.
7. Whether he is rich or poor has nothing to do with my decision to marry him.
8. I am not sure whether he is Italian or Spanish.
9. Whether we go swimming or whether we go mountain climbing depends on the weather.
10. He wanted to find out whether the ship had sunk or whether it was abandoned somewhere.

whether、whether or not 在两个分句之间的时候,前面就带有疑问或不确定的意义。whether、whether or not 都可以放在两个分句之间,但 whether、whether or not 还可以放在句子的开头,whether、whether or not 之后放从句。whether、whether or not、whether...or not 表示“与否”,whether...or、whether...or whether 表示“是A还是B”。or 后面可以放名词、形容词、谓语,或从句。这些连词既用在口语中又用在书面语中。


1. Whether or not you agree with me, I am going ahead with the original plan.
2. They believe him whether or not what he says is true.
3. Whether she is late or not, we have to start the meeting.
4. I am going to the ball whether you like it or not.
5. Whether she cries or laughs, she always looks beautiful to me.
6. I like swimming whether the weather is hot or cold.
7. Whether she wins or whether she loses, this will be her last tournament.
8. We shall come and see you whether we are on holiday or whether we are on business.

whether or not、whether 可以放在句子的开头或两个分句之间,后放从句。whether or not、whether...or not 表示“不管… … 与否”,whether...or、whether...or whether 表示“不管是A还是B”。这些连词既是口语又是书面语。