翻译英语 很着急,大家帮帮忙

个 人 简 历
个人 资料 姓名: 性别:女 年龄:21 照片
民族:汉 籍贯:河北青县 政治面目:团员
学历:大专 联系方式:
求职意向 想成为一名幼儿教师或幼儿舞蹈教师,公司管理性人才。
教育背景 2006.9-2011.6 天津工程职业技术学院 学前教育专业
2003.9-2006.7 天津市大港油田一中
主修 课程 幼儿心理学 幼儿教育学 美术 舞蹈 钢琴 声乐 英语
幼儿园设计与指导 幼儿卫生学 幼儿家庭教育学 儿童合奏
童声合唱 儿童文学 婴幼儿营养与保健 视唱练耳 计算机
职业资格证书 全国普通话二级甲等

社会实践 在北京实验幼儿园实习
获奖 情况 荣获天津工程职业技术学院第三届消防与我演讲比赛优秀奖。

个人 评价 我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,个性诚实,乐观,稳重,有很强的团队合作精神,善于独立思考问题,对新鲜事物敏感,接受能力强,具有很强的自学能力。学习自己的本专业知识,还学习着天津市南开大学的高自考商务管理(本科),希望自己的各方面水平知识得到提高,我不是聪明的人,但是我会努力争取做最勤劳的人。

Personal Resume
个人 资料 姓名: 性别:女 年龄:21 照片
Personal Information Name: Gender: Female Age: 21
民族:汉 籍贯:河北青县 政治面目:团员
Nationality: Chinese Birthplace: Hebei Qingxian political features: members
Education: College
求职意向 想成为一名幼儿教师或幼儿舞蹈教师,公司管理性人才。
教育背景 2006.9-2011.6 天津工程职业技术学院 学前教育专业
2003.9-2006.7 天津市大港油田一中
Job search intention to become a kindergarten teacher or early childhood dance teachers, company management talents.
Educational background 2006.9-2011.6 Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute Preschool Education
2003.9-2006.7 Tianjin Dagang oil field in
主修 课程 幼儿心理学 幼儿教育学 美术 舞蹈 钢琴 声乐 英语
幼儿园设计与指导 幼儿卫生学 幼儿家庭教育学 儿童合奏
童声合唱 儿童文学 婴幼儿营养与保健 视唱练耳 计算机
职业资格证书 全国普通话二级甲等
Psychology majors kindergarten children learning English Fine Arts Dance Piano Vocal
Design of kindergarten children with the guidance of child health family education children school ensemble
Children's Chorus Children's Literature infant nutrition and health Solfeggio computer
National Vocational Qualification Certificate of Putonghua Upper Second Class
社会实践 在北京实验幼儿园实习
获奖 情况 荣获天津工程职业技术学院第三届消防与我演讲比赛优秀奖。
Experimental Kindergarten social practice internship in Beijing
In the "old love, love life" campaign to help elderly people love the activities offered.
Art in the school party organization in 2006.
Propaganda Department of the Ministry as a member of the school students participated in "small" blackboard newspaper weekly show.
Awards won the Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute of the third fire with my speech contest award.
In 2008, representatives of participation at home, "say spiritual, than the science of life" essay to get "a good family science and civilization."
个人 评价 我是一个活泼开朗的女孩,个性诚实,乐观,稳重,有很强的团队合作精神,善于独立思考问题,对新鲜事物敏感,接受能力强,具有很强的自学能力。学习自己的本专业知识,还学习着天津市南开大学的高自考商务管理(本科),希望自己的各方面水平知识得到提高,我不是聪明的人,但是我会努力争取做最勤劳的人。
I am a personal evaluation of cheerful girl, personality honest, optimistic, steady, and has a strong team spirit, good at independent thinking, sensitive to new things, acceptance, and has a strong self-learning ability. This study of their own professional knowledge, also learning the business of Tianjin Nankai University the Self Management (undergraduate), and hope that their level of knowledge and improve all aspects, I'm not smart, but I will strive to make the most industrious people.

第1个回答  2010-06-26
Personal Biography
Personal Information Name: Gender: Female Age: 21 photos
Nationality: Chinese Place of origin: Hebei Qingxian political features: members
Education: College Contact:
Job search intention to become a kindergarten teacher or child care dance teachers, company management talents.
Educational background 2006.9-2011.6 Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute Preschool Education
2003.9-2006.7 Tianjin Dagang oil field in
Child Psychology, Early Childhood Education majors Piano Vocal Arts Dance English
The design of kindergarten children with the guidance of child health family education children school ensemble
Children's Chorus Children's Literature infant nutrition and health Solfeggio computer
National Putonghua Vocational Qualification Certificate II Class A

Experimental Kindergarten social practice internship in Beijing
In the "old love, love life" campaign to help elderly people love the activities offered.
Art in the school party organization in 2006.
Propaganda Department of the Ministry as a member of the school students to participate in "small" blackboard newspaper weekly show.
Awards won the Tianjin Engineering Technical Institute of the third fire with my speech contest award.
In 2008, representatives of participation at home, "say spiritual, than the science of life" essay to get "a good family science and civilization."

I am a personal evaluation of cheerful girl, personality honest, optimistic, steady, and has a strong team spirit, good at independent thinking, sensitive to new things, acceptance, and has a strong self-learning ability. This study of their own professional knowledge, also learning the business of Tianjin Nankai University the Self Management (undergraduate), and hope that their level of knowledge and improve all aspects, I'm not smart, but I will strive to make the most industrious people.