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P0 秋季补水菜谱

p1 一、核桃肉煲牛月展汤

p2 用料:牛月展450克,核桃肉80克,淮山20克,杞子2汤匙,姜1片,龙眼肉1汤匙

p3 方法:

p4 1、核桃肉放入锅中(不用油),慢火炒5分钟取出。

p5 2、牛月展放人滚水中煮5分钟,捞起洗净。

p6 3、核桃肉放人滚水中煮3分钟,捞起洗净。

p7 4、把适量水烧滚,放入所有材料,慢火煲3个半小时,放盐调味

P0 秋季补水菜谱
autumn moisture-adding recipe
p1 一、核桃肉煲牛月展汤
beef soup with walnut
p2 用料:牛月展450克,核桃肉80克,淮山20克,杞子2汤匙,姜1片,龙眼肉1汤匙
ingredient: 450grams beef,80grams walnut, 20grams CommonYam Rhizome, 2 spoonful red meddar berry ,1 slice ginger,1 spoonful longan pulp.
p3 方法:
cooking methods:
p4 1、核桃肉放入锅中(不用油),慢火炒5分钟取出。
1. put walnut into a pot (without oil), turning off the slowfire after 5-minute simmering.
p5 2、牛月展放人滚水中煮5分钟,捞起洗净。
2.put the beef into boiling water for 5 minutes, then take it out and wash it.
p6 3、核桃肉放人滚水中煮3分钟,捞起洗净。
put the walnut into boiling water for 3 munutes, then take it out and wash it.
p7 4、把适量水烧滚,放入所有材料,慢火煲3个半小时,放盐调味
boil a certain sum of water, put all the ingredient into the pot ,stewing for about 3 and half hours with slow fire. then put some salt into it.