宾语从句省略和 非谓语动词的区别

从句: the man who are repairing the road.
非谓语:the man repairing the road.
这个可以理解,去掉that ,那么谓语 are repairing要变成现在分词 repairing 非谓语。 可以理解为省略就是变成非谓语

they are the man that i saw yesterday.
they are the man I saw yesterday.
我认为: 很明显就算是省略了that , saw 在句子中还是做谓语啊。我觉得这个才是宾语从句that的省略情况吧


the men who are repairing the road 变成 the men repairing the road 正是你说的定语从句(不是“宾语从句”)变为非谓语动词结构。定语从句变为非谓语动词有一个先决条件:被修饰的先行词在从句里做主语。如上例中的 the men 就是从句的主语:the men who were repairing the road。注意:如果从句是被动句型,其非谓语动词形式是过去分词:the men seen repairing the road 的从句是 the men who were seen repairing the road.

但 they are the men that i saw yesterday 可以写成 they are the men i saw yesterday 就不是定语从句变成非谓语结构了。这个省略了关系代词 that/which 的句子仍然是定语从句。定语从句关系代词的省略也有一个先决条件:被修饰的先行词在从句里作宾语。如上面例句的 the men 就是从句的宾语:I saw the men yesterday。