
和 我总是尽力对别人友好

It's good to help others.
I always try to be friendly to others.
He usually helps us to solve problems.
My cousin wishes to travel around the country in future.
Yao Ming is one of the best basketball players in the world.
We are always ready to help others.
She is very mild and never speak ill of others.
Betty is very generous to his classmates and often shares food with them.
Millie's hair is not as long as Saddy's.
Anny is the fastest swimmer among all the students.
第1个回答  2006-09-09
1. I always try to be friendly toward others.
2. He always help me solve problems.
3. My cousin wish to travle around the world.
4. Yaoming is one of the best basketball players in this world.
5. We are ready to help others at any time.
6. She's very kind, never say something behind other people.
7. Betty is generous towards her classmates, and always likes to share her food witn them.
8. Millie's hair is not so long as Sandy's.
9. Anny swims faster than all the students.
第2个回答  2006-09-09
i always try my best to be kind to others
he often helps us solve the problems
my cousin wishes to travel all over the country in the future

yao ming is one of the best basketball players in the world
we are always ready to help others
she is kind, she never say something bad about others
betty is generous with her classmates, she often shares her food with them
millie's hair is not as long as saddy's
anny swims the fastest among the students.