书面表达。 最近,教育部启动了“阳光体育”运动,建议全国中小学生每天锻炼一小时,让他们健康

书面表达。 最近,教育部启动了“阳光体育”运动,建议全国中小学生每天锻炼一小时,让他们健康、快乐。此项活动受到广大学生的欢迎。李华对所在学校学生参加活动的情况和反映做了一个调查。请你根据下面调查表的内容,帮他给校报写一篇报道。报道的开头和结尾已给出。 词数:80词左右。 Interviewees (调查对象) Activities Feelings Reasons most students play sports interested have lots of fun many students skip rope (跳绳) happy keep healthy some students take a walk relaxed enjoy fresh air instead of staying in the classroom a few students worried have no enough room (空间) on the playground; have no enough time to finish homework The "Sunshine Sports" program is warmly welcomed in our school. Nearly all the students have taken part in it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ No matter what students think about the program, all the students like the idea which is to make students happy and keep them fit at the same time.

One Possible Version:
     The "Sunshine Sports" program is warmly welcomed in our school. Nearly all the students have taken
part in it. Most students are interested in playing sports. They think they have lots of fun. Many students
are happy with skipping rope. They believe it really keeps them healthy. A few students are relaxed while
taking a walk. They find it good to enjoy fresh air instead of staying in the classroom. However, a few
students are still worried that there is not enough room on the playground and they may not have enough
time to finish their homework.
     No matter what students think about the program, all the students like the idea which is to make them
happy and keep them fit at the same time.
