

英语写作方法(比较与对比)(1) 2010-11-09 21:14
Comparison and Contrast
目标:掌握英语作文中比较和对照的写作方法(比较着重相似点,而对照强调不同之处); 重点:熟悉比较和对照写作方法的特点、模式及相关写作语块(词组、结构及句子); 难点:训练学生对作文主题的思维拓展以及相关语言表达的总结。 二.使用比较和对照写作方法的一般是说明文与论说文,常见的比较对照有两种方式: 1. 块状比较方式(block method),先A后B,即A1, A2, A3...;B1,B2,B3...。 2. 逐点比较方式(point-by-point method),AB交错,即A1,B1;A2,B2;A3,B3...。
范文一:Country Life and City Life
It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life. Both have their merits and shortcomings.
Living in the city has a great many advantages. First, you can enjoy various kinds of foods, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are more cultural activities in the city – you can go to the concert, the theatre, the movies or the disco club after a day’s hard work. But city life has many problems, too. The overcrowded population, traffic jam, industrial pollution, and the lack of understanding between people may result in disease and unhappiness. Living in the country, however, you can watch the magnificent sunrise and sunset and listen to the bird singing in the tree. If you want, you can certainly have a huge garden when a small green space seems a luxury in the city. In the country, you don’t have so mucn worries. You can enjoy the pleasure of work by planting seeds in the earth and watching them grow into flowers and finally into fruits or food. But rural life may not be that perfect. Things are going so slowly that sometimes you may feel that you are absolute left behind in some remote corners of the world. You may again miss the parties, friends and movies in the city. Like anything else, country life and city life have their advantages and
disadvantages. The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of both lives and get rid of their inconveniences.
范文二:Middle School Life and College Life
There are many differences between middle school and the college. First,in middle school,we have to listen to what the teacher says in class, to understand the content of the text. But in college,we must study by ourselves before class. If not,we couldn't follow the teacher. Second,there are lots of rules in middle school. For
example,we should wear the uniform,the girls must have their hair cut short, and we are not allowed to make boy- or girlfriends. However,in college,we have more

freedom. We can wear the clothes we like. And the girls could have long beautiful
hair. We are also free to make boy or girlfriends. The third,in the middle school,we must study first. That means we could do nothing but study. In contrast,we have to do everything by ourselves in college. That means we must plan our time carefully. There are also other differences between our school life and our college life. We have to learn to adapt ourselves to college life. 三.写作步骤
1. 写前阶段:写作提纲
1) 对两个对象或一个对象的两个方面进行比较与对照分析,找出相似点/不同之处。
如分析Online shoping or in-store shopping(网络购物还是店内购

Online shopping Convenient;
A lot of selections Cheated;
Cannot see the items in person; In-store shopping Personal, talk;
Know the quality;
Good for health
Time-consuming; tiring
2. 写作阶段:利用相关资料,组织结构与内容 1) Useful words and phrases:
比较 :like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, in the same manner, equally. 对照: by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, conversely, different from, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in contrast. 2)Useful expressions
Ø Just like a coin has two sides, everyting has its advantages and disadvantages,
and … is no exception.
Ø The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.
Ø The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.
Ø A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that... Ø For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages. Ø Like anything else, it has its faults. Ø A and B has several points in common. Ø A bears some resemblances to B.
Ø However, the same is not applicable to B. Ø A and B differ in several ways.
Ø Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects. Ø The same is true of B.
英语写作方法(比较与对比)(1)续 2010-11-09 21:15
3)Useful Writing Patterns

(1)块状比较模板: 模板一
It is really hard to say which is better than the other, A or B. Both have their merits and shortcomings.
A has a great many advantages. First, …. Second, …. Third, …. Wondering as A is , it has its drawbacks. First of all, …. Besides, ….
B is quite different from B in many ways. Its positive sides are as follows. Firstly, …. Sencondly, …. Like anyting else, B has its faults, such as….
Evidently, both A and B have their positive and negative aspects.The best solution may be that you enjoy pleasures of the both and get rid of their inconveniences. 模板二
The topic of ____ (主题) is becoming more and more popular recently. There are two sides of opinions about it. Some people say _A__ is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ______(A理由一). What’s more, _____(A理由二). Moreover, _____(A理由三).
While others think that __B__ is a better choice in the following three reasons. Firstly,______ (B理由一).Secondly/Besides, ______ (B理由二). Thirdly/ Finally, ______(B理由三).
For my point of view, I think ______(我的观点). The reason is that _____ (原因). As a matter of fact, there are some other reason to
explain my choice. For me, the former is surely a wise choice. 模板三
There is a heated debate over ______(主题). It is commonly accepted that __A__ . In contrast, others think that __B___ .
Those who hold the first opinion suggest that ______(A理由一). In their view, ______ (A理由二). However, others think ______(B理由一).They argue that _______(B理由二) .
Considering one after another, I stand on the side of _A/B__ . First of all, ______(原因一). Furthermore, _______(原因二). Thirdly, ______(原因三). Therefore, I am in favor of the idea _____ (我的观点). (2)逐点比较框架:
Both A and B are very popular in today’s society. Just like a coin has two sides, everyting has its advantages and disadvantages, and A and B are no exception.
There are many differences between A and B. In the first place, A…. On the contrary, B…. In the second place,A …. Unlike A, B…. Last but by no means the least, A …. By contrast, B….
Both A and B have their strong points and weak points respectively. People can

choose which way to use according to their own likes and dislikes.
3. 写作后阶段:检查与修改
1)词汇、结构、句型、时态、语法(方面的错误减到最低); 2)句子之间的连接、段落之间的衔接(流畅;