
麻烦老师做出正确的解答并写出选择该答案的理由 谢谢了 我做出来了不知道答案是否正确。希望能给以一些学习建议

1.in this hotel breakfast is _____from 7:30 to 8:30
A.served B.cooked C.eaten D.made

2.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ____when he ____at the party
A.left ;had arrived B.left ;arrived
C.had left ;had arrived D. had left ;arrived

3.can I help you ?
-yes,I bought this radio here yesterday ,but it ____
A.didnt work B. wont work C. isn't work D. doesnt work

4.when water ____. it will be changed into vapor
A.is heated B. will be heated C.will heat D. has heated

5.the film wont start until 9 o'clock please ___your time
A.hold B.take C.bring D.catch

6.she ____the present from her friend but she didnt ____
A.accepted ,receive B. receive ,accept
C.received get D. got ,receive

7.the new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _____
A.will arrive B. is going to arrive C. arrives D. is arriving

8.oh ,is think we're a bit late .if the concerts already stared ,we _____to go in
A.aren't allowed B. wont allow C. wont be allowed D. don't allow

9.in ___why you had not replied to my last letter
A.was wondered B.wonder C.have been wondered D. was wondering

10.when in was at college I ____three foreign languages ,but ___all except a few words of each .
A.spoke ;had forgotten B.spoke ;have forgotten
C.had spoken ;had forgotten D. had spoken ;have forgotten

11.is this raincoat yours ?
no mine _____there behind the door
A.has hung B. hangs C. hung D.is hanning

12.______since 2000
A.great changes have taken place in Beijing
B.Beijing has taken place great changes
C.great changes has been taken place in Beijing
D.Beijing changed a lot

13.Helen _____her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ___home
A.has left ;comes B. lleft ;had come
C.had left ;came D. had left ;would come

14.mr.white _____a book about china last year but I don't know whether he has finished it
A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing

15.I ____the bad cold for a week ,still I don't get rid of it
A.caught B. have caught C. have had D. have

16.in warm weather fruit and meat _____long
A.don't keep B.are not kept C.are not keepinG D.can't be kept

17.this is the first time _____by air
A.is travel B.I have traveled C. I traveled D. I had traveled

18.John said in his letter that he ____a cold for a few days
A.had B. has had C. was having D. had had

19.John _____by the police for driving too fast
A.has been caught B. has caught C. caught D.catches

20.the house _____and a lot of things _____
A.has broken into ;have stolen B. had broken into;had stolen
C.has broken into ;were stolen D. was broken into ;were stolen

1. A
换成主动即serve breakfast,意思是“提供早餐服务”

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. B
固定短语:take your time 别着急/慢慢来

6. 答案为:received, accept

7. C

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. D

12. A
take place类似于happen,无被动语态,且其主语必须是“所发生的事”;
时间状语since 2000表明句子时态为现在完成时

13. C

14. D
明显的过去时间状语last year,表明句子只能使用一般过去时后过去进行时;

15. B

16. D

17. B
固定句型:this/that/it is the + 序数词 + that从句,意思是“这是/那是某人第几次做某事了”,则that从句必须使用现在完成时。

18. D

19. A

20. D
固定短语:break into sth 破门而入某处,倒过来即是被动语态;


第1个回答  2009-10-27
1.A 表提供早餐服务。
2.D 表过去的过去,用过去完成时。
3.D 表一种状态 一种能力 它不能运转
4.A 主将从现 (WHEN引导时间状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用现在时)
5.B 电影九点才始,你可以慢慢来
6.B RECEIVE是指收到(客观)ACCEPT是指接受(主观)
7.C 原因同第四题
8.C 时态原因同上题,语态用被动
9.B 时态我觉得一般有很大不确定性,我觉得应该从语意上说选择这个,但是也不是特别确定
10.B 第一个就是指过去那个时候,所以过去时,后来是已经忘得差不多了。
11.D 表现在的状态
12.A 因为TAKE PLACE 的主语为物,且无被动。 SINCE与现在完成时连用,所以不选D。
13.A 第二空可以根据主将从现判断
14.D 去年在,但不知道今天是不是已完成
15.C 一段时间与现在完成时连用,CAUGHT是瞬时动词,不能用与一段时间连用
16.D “不能被放太久”所以选D
17.B it is the first time that sb have done固定搭配
18.D 间接引语中,现在完成时变为过去完成时
19.A 被动语态
20.D 被动语态
第2个回答  2009-10-27
1.in this hotel breakfast is _____from 7:30 to 8:30
A.served 这家宾馆7点半到8点半提供早饭
2.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ____when he ____at the party
D. had left ;arrived
3.can I help you ?
-yes,I bought this radio here yesterday ,but it ____
D. doesnt work
4.when water ____. it will be changed into vapor
A.is heated 被加热
5.the film wont start until 9 o'clock please ___your time
B.take 注意时间(别来晚了)
6.she ____the present from her friend but she didnt ____
B. received,accept 收到了礼物但是没有接受
7.the new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _____
C. arrives
8.oh ,is think we're a bit late .if the concerts already stared ,we _____to go in 我们不被允许进入
A.aren't allowed
9.in ___why you had not replied to my last letter
D. was wondering
10.when in was at college I ____three foreign languages ,but ___all except a few words of each .
D. had spoken ;have forgotten
11.is this raincoat yours ?
no mine _____there behind the door
D.is hanning
12.______since 2000
C.great changes has been taken place in Beijing (great changes has been taken place 是个固定搭配)
13.Helen _____her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ___home
C.had left ;came
14.mr.white _____a book about china last year but I don't know whether he has finished it
D.was writing
15.I ____the bad cold for a week ,still I don't get rid of it
B. have caught
16.in warm weather fruit and meat _____long
A.don't keep
17.this is the first time _____by air
A.i travel
18.John said in his letter that he ____a cold for a few days
D. had had
19.John _____by the police for driving too fast
A.has been caught (被警察捉住)
20.the house _____and a lot of things _____
D. was broken into ;were stolen (房子被破门而入,东西被偷)
第3个回答  2009-10-27