

1. 溅出、泼出或溢出。
2. 名词形式包括水坑、劣质流食、残羹剩饭、泔脚、残渣、稀泥、泥浆、感伤的语言或煽情的文字、宽松的衣服(特别是宽松的女外衣)。
3. 同义词有:spill、overflow、splash、puddle、residue、mud、snow、speech、writing。
4. 搭配词包括:water、liquid、food、liquid、pigs。
1. The slop of water in the bottom of the boat.(船底的水洼。)
2. If you roll a ball up a slope, it will roll down again.(如果你把球滚上斜坡,它会再滚下来。)
3. Water was slopping around in the bottom of the boat.(水在船底四周荡漾。)
4. Oh, don't slop and gush and be sentimental.(别这样婆婆妈妈,淌眼抹泪的。)
5. Don't throw the slops in the yard.(别把脏水泼到院子里。)
6. This time he's slopped fourteen inches over the side line.(这次他越出停车线十四英寸。)
7. Why do some children like slopping around in puddles?(为什么有些儿童爱在水坑里玩水?)
8. If anything can put slop down, arabin will do it.(如果有什么办法可以把斯洛普压制下去,阿拉宾保证会做到。)
9. As he reached the door, he was showered straight on the head with a basin of slops.(当他走到门口时,他头上被泼了一盆脏水。)
10. As he was driving up the high street, he encountered Mr. Slop at a crossing.(当他沿着大街往前开时,他在一个十字路口遇到了斯洛普先生。)
11. She slopped about her room, unkempt and disheveled, in her tawdry dressing-gown.(她在屋里走来走去,不修边幅,穿着件俗气的睡袍。)