
1.These are my books
2.There are some oranges on the tree
3.I have two sister.
4.Tom has a new pen.
5 Kate and Gina do sport every day.
6.Jack watches TV every sunday

1.These are not me books
Are these your books?
Yes,These are
2.There are not some oranges on the tree
Are there some oranges on the tree?
No,there are not
3.I do not have two sisters.
Do you have two sisters?
No,you do not have
4.Tom does not have a new pen.
Does Tom have a new pen?
No,Tom does not have a new pen
5.Kte and Gina do not do sport every day
Do Kate and Gina do sport every day?
Yes,they do
6.Jack does not watch TV every sunday
Does Jack watch TV every sunday ?
No,he does not watch tv every sundy

“I have two sister”楼主打错了吧,2个要+“s”的
第1个回答  2009-10-19
1.These aren't my books
Are these your books?
yes,these are./no,these aren't.
2.There aren't any oranges on the tree
3.I haven't got two sisters.
4.Tom hasn't got a new pen.
5 Kate and Gina don't do any sport every day.
6.Jack doesn't watch TV every sunday
第2个回答  2009-10-19
1.These aren't my books
2.There are not any oranges on the tree
3.I have no two sisters.
4.Tom have no a new pen.
5 Kate and Gina don't do sport every day.
6.Jack don't watch TV every sunday
第3个回答  2009-10-19
1否定句:These aren't my books.
一般疑问句:Are these mybooks?
2否定句:there aren't some oranges....
一般疑问句:are there some.....
3否定句I don't have
一般疑问句Do you have some sister