
全运会的英语介绍 作文·

The 11th National Games will be held in Jinan of Shandong province. It is reported that this year our province will invest four body-building bases(全民健身基地) , 30 basketball, table tennis, football fitness Square.130 townships and sports activities center(乡镇文体活动中心), In addition,the government will renewal the body-building path (对全民健身路径进行改造), so that all the people of our province the size of the formation of body-building system to better facilitate the provision of fitness for the masses(为群众健身提供方便). Many teen-age volunteers from all over the contry are willing to offer their help to share contributions , The slogan of the National Games is " Harmonious China, National Games"(和谐中国,全民全运)

The 29th Olympic Games has been over in Beijing, China on August 24,2008, which has left performed so well that they won 51 gold medals in one Olympic Games . From the very Games , we have proved that our goverment not only has the ability to hold the Olympic Games successfully ,but also we can perform well !
The fact has showed everything to the world ! Days when we were looked down upon have gone forever ! It is our athletes' intelligence and other qualities that have won the great honor for us Chinese all ! It is the successful 29th Olympic Games that destroys the saying of those who doubted about it years ago ! What a great ,successful and impressive Olympic Games !

This time the National Games held in Shandong, Jinan is the main theme of the slogan of the host city is a harmonious China, all the people the whole operation, the mascot is the Mountain Boy. Mascot "Tarzan Boy" to a culture, natural content and moving story based on the Mountain , combined with modern sports concepts, new prime minister to create an auspicious meaning, so that the whole sky continuously transported flash flame burning planet, we gazed, waiting, cheering, applause
第1个回答  2009-11-01
月18日晚在济南举行。由山东工艺美术学院副教授孙大刚等集体创作的 “和谐中华,活力山东”图案最终被选定为十一运会会徽。
十一运会会徽通过面向社会公开征集的方式产生。在征集期间共收到来自全国各地的应征作品3040件。第十一届全国运动会将于2009年10月在山东举办。(英语)The emblem of the Eleventh National Games 2008 launch night年11月18, held in Jinan. By the Shandong Academy of Fine Arts, associate professor of technology, such as collective creation孙大刚"harmonious China, Shandong dynamic" design was eventually chosen as the emblem of Games 11.
To 11 Games emblem "Chinese harmony and vitality in Shandong," named to the 11 "human competitive" as the main component elements. Creativity comes from the overall structure of the ancient Chinese text of小篆Traditional "Chinese" and "Chinese" characters, on behalf of the Games is the Chinese people in a sporting event; one modeling language to learn from China auspicious ornaments traditional "four-gratifying" approach, sharing of human skillfully completed 11 of the combination of human movement, in the name the "eleventh" National Games at the same time also has a beautiful symbolic auspicious; emblem also incorporates the overall graphics creative patterns of Chinese traditional "concentric node" concept to denote that the Games will be a "unity, harmony, and the successful" sporting event.
According to experts, the emblem design cleverly integrated into the cultural traditions of China with the characteristics of the element characteristics. The emblem of the geometric shape from Jinan constitute elements of the Warring States period unearthed "wrong turquoise copper beans" on the "geometric patterns Lei collusion" and the Western Han Dynasty, "the rules mirror pattern" on the rules of ornamentation, and cultural connotations of deep; emblem selected Shandong color based on the traditional New Year in the color board, embedded in traditional culture Shandong ethos, in which the "red, yellow, blue, green, black" five colors, also on behalf of the Olympic rings colors; At the same time, the emblem expression relaxed, lively, modern, not only embodies the profound cultural Qilu and modern Shandong show full of vitality, full of vigor and vitality of the new image.
11 Games emblem for the society through the way the public assembly. In the collection were received from all parts of the 3040 entry. Eleventh National Games will be held in October 2009 held in Shandong.
第2个回答  2009-10-20

第3个回答  2009-10-21