
A:Hi!What's wrong?

A:Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

A:I think you should borrow some money from your friends.

A:Then i think you should get a part-time Job.

A:First let's get an ad ready.


A:Hi!What's wrong?
B: I have got a fever.(可能的发生的情况) Nothing. Fine.(口语)

A:Maybe you should buy some new clothes.
B: That’s a good idea. I will tale you advice. What a good idea it is. How nice the idea is. Sorry.I don't think so.

A:I think you should borrow some money from your friends.
B: That’s a good idea. I will tale you advice. What a good idea it is. How nice the idea is. Sorry.I don't think so.

A:Then i think you should get a part-time Job.
B: That’s a good idea. I will tale you advice. What a good idea it is. How nice the idea is. Sorry.I don't think so.

A:First let's get an ad ready.
B: That’s a good idea. I will tale you advice. What a good idea it is. How nice the idea is. Sorry.I don't think so.
第1个回答  2006-07-31
1,I have got lost.我迷路了.
My watch has been stolen.我的手表被偷了.
I don't feel very well.我觉得不太舒服.
My stomach aches.我胃痛.
I have forgoten to buy a gift for my brother.我忘了要给我哥哥买个礼物了.
I have left my schoolbag at home.我把书包忘在家里了.

2,Yes, all of my clothes are worn out.我所有的衣服都被我穿破了.
But I am used to wearing them.但是我习惯了穿这些衣服.
Yes, I'll buy some this afternoon.是啊,我今天下午就去买些新的.
But they wear comfortable.但是他们穿起来很舒服啊.
They were bitten by the mouses.他们是被老鼠咬破的.

3,That's a good idea, thank you!这是个不错的主意,谢谢你.
But we have been out of touch for 2 years.但是我们已经两年没联系了
But they are poor too.但是他们也很穷啊.
Maybe the best way is to ask for the bank's help.也许向银行求助是最好的办法了.
I am afraid you are too pessimistic, don't worry, there's always a way to out. 我觉得你太悲观了,别担心,天无绝人之路.

4, Thank you for your advise.谢谢你的建议.
But I don't have enough time to rest.但是我没有足够的时间休息.
But my health doesn't allow me to do so.但我的身体不允许我这么做.
We think alike.我们想到一块去了.
That depends.看情况吧.

5, It will be an interesting ad.这将会是一个有趣的广告.
I'm afraid it will cost a lot.恐怕要花费不少钱吧?
第2个回答  2006-07-31

A:Hi!What's wrong?
B:Nothing,my brother killed my parents and then he killed himself.
A:Maybe you should buy some new clothes.
B:For their funeral?Do you think so?Then,you pay for the clothes.
A:I think you should borrow some money from your friends.
B:You are my friend!Don't you wanna lend my some money?I have no friends except you,dude!And I have everything except money!
A:Then i think you should get a part-time Job.
B:Job?What do you think I should do first?
A:First let's get an ad ready.
B: Ad?But I have to bury my brother and parents' dead bodies!!!

B: 广告?但是我得埋葬我父母还有哥哥的尸体啊!!!

第3个回答  2006-07-31
A:Hi!What's wrong?
B: I lost mt dog./I failed in the test./Mary told me she loved me.

A:Maybe you should buy some new clothes.
B: But I am saving for a computer./Can I ask you for a loan?/My girlfriend loves to see me in these old clothes.

A:I think you should borrow some money from your friends.
B: You are my friend, aren't you?/ I have borrowed so much money from them that they no longer want to see me any more./I will get a pay raise next week.

A:Then I think you should get a part-time Job.
B: What makes you think so?/My dad has put aside enough money for me to swim in./I have already got two.

A:First let's get an ad ready.
B: Ok, let's./I think we should first have some cold drinks./Forget the ad. It's a lousy idea.
第4个回答  2006-07-31
1. I am fine./I am broke./ I lost my job./ My wife left my last night./
2. Yes, I think so./ No, I have too many already./ Good idea, let's go to the department store./ I don't think so, I don't have money
3. No, I don't like it./ Yes, I guess I have to./ No, I don't have friends.
4. Good suggestion, thanks./ I would like to, but I don't have time./
5. Yeah, may I borrow your pen?/ Good, do you have anything in mind?/ Oh, what should I put in the ad?