


我大约在30年前就和杰克逊认识了,那是他是湖人队的季票持有者,他的兄弟马龙也是。我和杰克成了好朋友。他开始邀我出去.去他家里。然后我开始慢慢了解了他的兄弟姐妹。和他那无与伦比的父母。我们爱一起放烟火,曾有过许多快乐。对于杰克逊的离开,我和他们一样感同身受。我们一起度过了那么多恍如梦中的时光。然后杰克又邀请我和他的兄弟们一起去旅行。再后来我更见识到他的天赋异禀。他让人难以置信,总是可以掌控一切。不仅仅是对乐队或是他的兄弟。他更能够掌控住他的听众们。我始终相信是迈克尔让我成了一名更好的控球后卫和球员。就我来看,他是那样杰出。是有史以来最好的乐手。后来,有一天迈克尔打了个电话给我。他说想要和我谈谈。想让我在《remember the time》的MTV里出镜。听到这我不禁在电话里反复确认打给我的确是是他。对于因这事要去他家我实在有点紧张。因为他是我的偶像,他就是我的一切。于是我就到他家去,和他共进晚餐。出示过来问我要吃什么?我说,那我就来电鸡肉吧.当我们开始谈论这段MTV和他想让我做什么的时。出示给我拿来了一些鸡肉,但是他给迈克尔的确是一些肯德基的炸鸡。那时我真是觉得不可思议,嘿等等,迈克尔你竟然吃肯德基的炸鸡?!这对我影响很大,是我一生里最棒的时刻。我们度过了一段妙不可言的时光。我们坐在地板上,吃着这些肯德基的炸鸡。我想说的是,这事个关于他的一生.他的传奇经历的仪式。我想要谢谢迈克尔,是他无论白天黑夜的演出为黑人打开了一扇扇门。是他让科比和我能够穿上身上的球衣。是他让全世界的人们有家可归。因为他的善举无处不在。他为我们打开了一扇扇门。他的三个孩子有最棒的祖母,是她吧迈克尔带到了人间,照料他们长大。他的三个孩子将会有最好的叔叔和婶婶。他们会对孩子们无微不至。这些孩子也会有好的兄弟姐妹做玩伴。愿主继续保佑这令人难以置信的一家。我们会为你们而祈祷,请你们坚强起来。我们要感谢洛杉矶,感谢操办这一切的AEG公司。愿主保佑你,迈克尔!

第1个回答  2009-07-09
KOBE BRYANT, BASKETBALL PLAYER: You all know that nobody ever gave on stage like Michael Jackson, but Michael was also a true humanitarian who gave just as much off stage as he did on stage.
科比 布莱恩特,篮球选手:大家都知道没有人能像迈克尔·杰克逊在舞台上这样表演,他在台下所给予的和在台上给予的同样重要和有意义。

Michael and his family came from humble roots, and Michael always cared very deeply for those in need. And beyond all of his records that he broke as a recording artist, Michael even made the "Guinness Book of World Records" for most charities supported by a pop star.


Because he gave so much to so many of us for so long, Michael Jackson will be with us forever.

MAGIC JOHNSON, FORMER BASKETBALL PLAYER: I met Jackie Jackson about 30 years ago, and he was a season ticket holder for the Lakers, as well as his brother, Marlon. Jackie and I became friends and he began to invite me out to their home. Then I got to know the brothers and the sisters and his incredible mother and father. We loved to play with firecrackers and just have fun.

And Berry, just like you lost to the Jackson's in softball, so did I. And we had some incredible times together.

Then, Jackie invited me to go on tour with the brothers, and then I got to see the genius of Michael Jackson. He was so incredible. He always had command of not only the band, his brothers, but also the audience. I truly believe that Michael made me a better point guard and basketball player as I watched him be so great and be the greatest entertainer ever.

From there, Michael call immediate one day and said, "I want to talk to you about being in a video, 'Remember the time.'"


But I had to double check with Jackie to make sure it was really Michael, because I was scared to death to go over to his house, because this was my idol. He was everything to me.

So I went over to his house to have dinner. The chef came out and said, "What would you like?" I said, "Some grilled chicken." So, as we began to talk about the video and what he wanted me to do, the chef brought me out the grilled chicken, but he brought Michael out a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.


And I went crazy like, "Wait a minute, Michael. You eat Kentucky Fried Chicken?" That made my day. That was the greatest moment of my life.


We had such a good time sitting on the floor eating that bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. And I want to say this -- this is a celebration of his life, of his legacy.


I want to thank Michael for opening up so many doors for African- Americans to be on daytime shows, late-night shows. He allowed Kobe and I have to our jerseys in people's homes across the world, because he was already there. And he opened all those doors for us.

His three children will have the most incredible grandmother that God has put on this Earth to take care of them.


Michael's three children will have incredible uncles and aunts to take care of them as well. And they will have plenty of cousins to play with.

So, may God continue to bless this incredible family. We say that we're praying for you. Remain strong.

We want to thank the city of Los Angeles for putting this on, AEG for putting it on as well. And may God continue to bless you, Michael.

第2个回答  2009-07-09
第3个回答  2009-07-09