put out是什么意思?


Put out是一个多义词,它可以指熄灭火焰或灯光,例如“Could you please put out the candles before you leave?”意思是请你离开前把蜡烛熄灭,以防火灾。此外,put out也可以指发布或发表,作为动词短语“put something out”,如“Apple released a new iPhone yesterday, and they put out a press release to announce it.”这句话的意思是,苹果公司昨天发布了一款新的iPhone,他们发表了一份新闻稿来宣布这件事。
Put out还可以表示止痛、缓解疼痛的意思,比如疼痛得难以忍受时可以借助某些方法静止疼痛,例如“After I sprained my ankle, I put some ice on it to help put out the pain.”这句话的意思是,我扭伤了脚踝后,放了些冰敷,以帮助止住疼痛。
除此以外,Put out还有其他的词义,例如难以相处、困扰,例如这句话“He's been acting very distant lately, and I'm not sure what's causing it. It's really putting me out.”这句话的意思是,他最近一直很远离我,我不知道是什么原因,这让我困扰不已。
put out还可以作为短语出现,例如put someone out of their misery,含义是解脱某人的痛苦,如“Her horse was badly injured, so she put it out of its misery by shooting it.”这句话的意思是,她的马严重受伤了,所以她开枪把它解脱了。