

say vt. (said[sed]; 第三人称单数陈述语气现在时says [sez]) 说, 讲 说明; 表达 念; 背诵 报道, 写道 [常用于虚拟语气、祈使句] 比如说; 姑且说; 假定说; 大约 Be polite and say "Please" and "Thank you ". 要有礼貌, 说"请", "谢谢你"。 Say it again in English. 用英语再说一遍。 Say what you think . 把你的想法说出来。 My watch says twenty past eight. 我的表是八点二十分。 The look on his face said that he was confident of success. 他脸上的表情显示他对成功具有信心。 He said his lesson [part]. 他背课文[台词]。 The book says nothing about the affair. 书上对这件事什么也没有谈。 The radio says no rain today. 电台预报今日无雨。 The number left was not great, say, only ten. 余下的数目不大, 姑且说, 只有十个罢。 Say your plan fails; then what do we do ? 假定你的计划失败了, 那末我们怎么办呢? 习惯用语 so say l 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 and so say l 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 and so say all of us 我[我们]也是这么说的, 我[我们]的意见也是如此 as much as to say 等于说, 仿佛说 as who should say [古]可谓, 可以这样说 before one can say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before one can say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before one could say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before one could say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before you can say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before you can say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before you could say Jack Robinson [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 before you could say knife [口]一下子, 一眨眼工夫, 马上 Easier said than done. [谚]说起来容易做起来难。 have no say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have a say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have not much say in sth. 对某事有[没有, 没有多大]发言权 have one's say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言 say one's say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言 say out one's say 说出要说的话, 畅所欲言 have sth. to say for oneself 有要辩白的话 have the say [say-so] [美]有最后决定权 He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like. 随意说话的人迟早会听到他不中意的话。 give one his say 让人把话讲出来 have one's say 把话说完, 把想法说出来 hear say 听说, 据说 I can't say! [口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上 I couldn't say! [口](一种表示否定的委婉说法)我不知道, 我说不上 I cannot say much for 对...我认为不怎么好, 对...我不敢恭维 I dare say 我想, 大概 I'll say 我确实认为 I say! (= Say !)[口](引起对方注意)嘿, 喂, 听着, 瞧!(表示惊奇)嗨! I should say 我想, 大概, 也许 I won't say no. 我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪 I wouldn't say no. 我不反对; 乐意接受; 奉陪 It is said that ... 据说, 听说 It says in [口]在...上写道, 在...上说 It says on [口]在...上写道, 在...上说 Learn to say before you sing. 先学说再学唱; 凡事要按部就班。 Least said, soonest mended. [谚]少说为妙, 多说坏事。 let ussay (=say) 比方说, 例如; 假定; 姑且说 needless to say 不用说, 不出意科 No sooner said than done. 说到就做, 说到做到。 not say much for 对...不作好评, 对...评价不高 not to say 虽然不能说, 即使不能说 So you say! 你那么说嘛!(意即事实不一定如此) that is to say 即, 就是, 换句话说, 就是说; 更确切地说
第1个回答  2014-04-24
第2个回答  2014-04-24