
我要写正规作业 关于礼物互赠的英语作文 拜托啦~~~

It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones. My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that My present has been put in your bedroom. As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy. These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time. 昨天是我的生日,我收到了很多礼物。它们用彩纸包着,其中有两件有趣的东西。 我姐姐送了我一个圆纸包,开始我认为是个足球,但打开后才发现是一个闹钟。我哥给我留了张条,告诉我:“我的礼物已经放在你的卧室里了。”我走进卧室,发现一个盒子。我打开了它,里面是一台笔记本电脑。我非常高兴。 这两件礼物是为了让我好好学习,抓紧时间。 Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me. My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said my present is lying in your bedroom. When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great! I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time. I would never forget this birthday. 昨天是我的生日,我收到了许多生日礼物,并且这些礼物都用彩纸包着。其中两件礼物很好玩很有趣,给我留下了很深的印象。 我姐姐送给我一个包,这包又大又圆。我认为是足球,可打开一看是个闹钟。另外一件礼物是我哥哥送给我的,他给我留了一张纸条,上面写着:“我的礼物放在你的卧室里。”当我进入卧室时,我看到了一台笔记本电脑。噢!真是太棒了!我高兴地跳了起来-。我明白他们想让我努力学习,不要浪费时间。 我将永远不会忘记昨天。
第1个回答  2013-12-16
 The baby yellow1 shirt had long sleeves, four extra-large pockets trimmed2 in black thread and snaps3 up the front. It was faded from years of wear but still in likeable shape. I found it in 1963 when I was home from college on Christmas break,rummaging4through bags of clothes Mom intended to give away.
  "You're not taking that old thing, are you?" Mom said when she saw me packing the yellow shirt, "I wore that when I was pregnant with your brother in 1954!"
  "It's just the thing to wear over my clothes during art class, Mom. Thanks!" I slipped it into my suitcase before she could object.
  The yellow shirt became a part of my college wardrobe. I loved it. After grduation, I wore the shirt the day I moved into my new apartment and on Saturday mornings when I cleaned.
  The next year, I married. When I became pregnant, I wore the yellow shitrt during big-belly days. I missed Mom and the rest of my family, since we were in Colorado5 and they were in Illinois6. But that shirt belped. I smiled, remembering that Mother had worn it
   when she was pregnant, 15 years earlier.
   That Christmas, mindful of the warm feelings the shirt had given me, I patched one elbow, washed and pressed the shirt, wrapped
   it in holiday paper and sent it to Mom.
  Whet Mom wrote to thank me for her "real" gifts, she said the yellow shirt was lovely. She never mentioned it again.
  The next year, my husband, daughter and I stopped at Mom and Dad's to pick up some furniture. Days later, when we uncrated7 the kitchen table, I noticed something yellow tied to its bottom. The shirt! And so the pattern was set.
  On our next visit home, I secretly placed the shirt under Mom and Dad's mattress. I don't know how long it took her to find it, but almost two years passed before I discovered it under the base of our living-for m floor lamp. The yellow shirt was just what I needed now while ref nishing furniture. The walnut stains added character.
  In 1975 my busband and I divorced. With my three children, I prepared to move back to Illinois. As I packed, a deep depression overtook me. I wondered if I could make it on my own. I wondered if I would fred a job. I paged through the Bible, looking for com fort, in Ephesians8,I read, "So use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy whn ever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will be standing up."