


The vacation is coming soon, and everybody are getting ready for the final exams. However, it doesn't stop the students planning their two-months vacations. Now, let's check it out how these four students plan for their own vacations!
T: Y, today is a good day!
Y: Yes, and that would be wonderful if everyday is like that.
H: Ha
T&Y: Ouch! How scary!
H: Ha-Ha. What are you guys dicussing?
Y: We just talked about the good weather of today.
H: Er, Yes. Hey, buddies, chatting is fun. What you guys goning to do in the vacation?
T: Hey, you looks so exciting. Are you going to tell us something good?
H: Yes, and you are right. I have been looking for part time jobs. However, my sister just told me that she has helped me to find a good job just now.
Y: Really? Congratulations! But what are you going to do?
H: I am going to be a sales promotion person in a huge shopping mall.
T: Sales promotion person? That's not bad, and you need to cheer up. Y, what about you?
Y: Compared to mine, your job is pretty easier. I am going to be a server in a restaurant. And as you know that is a hard work. Moreover, I even have to take the English Band 3 exam!
T&H: Me too. We are so worried that we can't pass the exam.
N: What? What do you worry about?
T: None of your business!
N: Of course, I have registered for the English Band 3 exam too.
H: Yes, I know that. But you guys are luckier than me that you only need to take the written examination.
T: So lucky. But we need to be confident to ourselves. Right, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we have shown our plans. What about you?
T:Oh, yes. One of my brother has something to do in the cellphones, and I will be there probably.
H: That's not bad! You can stay with all kinds of cellphones!
T: But I feel so nervous too. It's far from my neighbourhood. Yo, N, don't keep silent! What is your viewpoint?
N: I'm not silent, and I just wait for the time for me to talk!
Y: Yeah? It seems that you are quite self-aware!
N: Ha-Ha. I'm not sure either. But it is clear that I am not planning to go back home in this summer vacation.
Y: Why? What happen?
N: Nothing special, and everything goes well. I want to stay in Jinan and put all my efforts on my English Band 3 exam!
Y: There are still three months for you to get preparations.
H: Yes. But I feel I just don't have too much time.
T: So that's why we should work harder! Buddies, cheer up! We are in to success!
N: I hope so. Oh, Do you know that there is an English class around Jiahua and it is free for us to audition.
Y: Really?
N: Yes. And I was told that some foreign teacher would come. It sounds good. Will you guys go with me to see what happen?
T&H&Y: You?
N: Yes. What's wrong?
H: Never mind.
Y: I think that is a good chance. With the foreign teachers, we even can practice our oral English skills.
H: I agree with you. Y, I will join you. N, is it at the weekend morning?
N: Yes. It starts from nine and ends at 11 in the moring at the weekend. That is a three-hour-course.
T: Hey, why everybody is going suddenly?
H&Y: Yes.
Y: H, let's meet in front of the gate at 8:00am at the weekend. Does it fit you?
H: Great, and I am thinking of it either. So T, are you going to join us?
T: Actually, I am willing to be there. But I have a date on that day. You guys just go there and tell me what is going on.
N: Ok, have a good weekend.
H: Oh god, it's going to be late for the classes. Let's run!
Y: Hey yo, wait for me...
第1个回答  2009-06-19
T: Y, today's weather!
Y: yes ah, ah, if every day, so nice!
H: Ha,
T & Y: Oh, scared to death.
H: Ha-Ha, you talk about?
Y: we talk about the good weather today.
H: Er, yes. Hey, friends, chat, fun, how are you going this holiday?
T: Well, you do seem pretty happy, it seems Oh what a good thing?
H: Yes, you guess it right. I want to find work in the summer, part-time, in just, my sister told me that she help me find a job, however.
Y: Really? Congratulations! What is?
H: in a big department stores, do促销员.
T: so促销员? Really good, you have to refuel pyronaridine. Y, you, what is your intention?
Y: I am relatively more tired, I look for in a restaurant a waiter's job, you know, very tired, but I would also like to take part in this year's English test 3 ah!
T & H: We are. Have not really worry about.
N: What? Worried about?
T: What have you ah!
N: Of course, I also registered for the three English examination it!
H: Yes, I know, but we were fortunate than you, only a written test.
T: really lucky, but we have confidence in itself, is not it, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we intend to say that their own, and you?
T: Oh, my brother there in the mobile phone market, I may be past help.
H: Yes it! Can watch a wide range of mobile phones every day.
T: is also very tense, not very far from my home. N, not so silent ah! You can also talk about.
N: not my silence, I have to say I have to wait until there were ah!
Y: Ye? There are quite aware of this self-evident!
N: Ha-Ha, I'm not sure, but one thing is that this summer I do not intend to return to the home.
Y: why, what it?
N: No, all is well, I want to stay in Jinan, for three of the sprint final.
Y: There are about 3 months time to prepare.
H: yes ah, how do I feel such a short period.
T: Efforts should be made so, ah, my friends, cheer for it! We can.
N: I hope that you, oh, you know, a couple of days ago I saw a side of the Ka Wah training, extra-curricular English class, you can listen for free.
Y: Really?
N: Yes, I heard there will be teachers want to come, I feel good, you should go see?
T & H & Y: and you?
N: Well, how can it?
H: ah, no how, no how.
Y: I think it is a good opportunity to have a teacher, you can contact their own spoken language.
H: I agree, Y, join us now. N, on a weekend morning, you?
N: Yes, this weekend 9:00 until 11:00 the end, three-hour course does.
T: Ye? How all of a sudden have to go on?
H & Y: Yes.
Y: H, we 8:30 am on weekends, the school see the door, how?
H: well, I thought, T, you want to come?
T: Actually, I would also like to, but about a day. You go, after listening to me talk about how to talk about.
N: Well, there must be a happy weekend Oh.
H: the end, being late to school soon, and we run it.
Y: and so I ... ...
第2个回答  2009-06-19
T: Y, today's weather!
Y: yes ah, ah, if every day, so nice!
H: Ha,
T & Y: Oh, scared to death.
H: Ha-Ha, you talk about?
Y: we talk about the good weather today.
H: Er, yes. Hey, friends, chat, fun, how are you going this holiday?
T: Well, you do seem pretty happy, it seems Oh what a good thing?
H: Yes, you guess it right. I want to find work in the summer, part-time, in just, my sister told me that she help me find a job, however.
Y: Really? Congratulations! What is?
H: in a big department stores, do Promotion.
T: so Promotion? Really good, you have to refuel pyronaridine. Y, you, what is your intention?
Y: I am relatively more tired, I look for in a restaurant a waiter's job, you know, very tired, but I would also like to take part in this year's English test 3 ah!
T & H: We are. Have not really worry about.
N: What? Worried about?
T: What have you ah!
N: Of course, I also registered for the three English examination it!
H: Yes, I know, but we were fortunate than you, only a written test.
T: really lucky, but we have confidence in itself, is not it, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we intend to say that their own, and you?
T: Oh, my brother there in the mobile phone market, I may be past help.
H: Yes it! Can watch a wide range of mobile phones every day.
T: is also very tense, not very far from my home. N, not so silent ah! You can also talk about.
N: not my silence, I have to say I have to wait until there were ah!
Y: Ye? There are quite aware of this self-evident!
N: Ha-Ha, I'm not sure, but one thing is that this summer I do not intend to return to the home.
Y: why, what it?
N: No, all is well, I want to stay in Jinan, for three of the sprint final.
Y: There are about 3 months time to prepare.
H: yes ah, how do I feel such a short period.
T: Efforts should be made so, ah, my friends, cheer for it! We can.
N: I hope that you, oh, you know, a couple of days ago I saw a side of the Ka Wah training, extra-curricular English class, you can listen for free.
Y: Really?
N: Yes, I heard there will be teachers want to come, I feel good, you should go see?
T & H & Y: and you?
N: Well, how can it?
H: ah, no how, no how.
Y: I think it is a good opportunity to have a teacher, you can contact their own spoken language.
H: I agree, Y, join us now. N, on a weekend morning, you?
N: Yes, this weekend 9:00 until 11:00 the end, three-hour course does.
T: Ye? How all of a sudden have to go on?
H & Y: Yes.
Y: H, we 8:30 am on weekends, the school see the door, how?
H: well, I thought, T, you want to come?
T: Actually, I would also like to, but about a day. You go, after listening to me talk about how to talk about.
N: Well, there must be a happy weekend Oh.
H: the end, being late to school soon, and we run it.
Y: and so I ... ...
第3个回答  2009-06-29
下面写的都不错 怎么不采纳答案那
第4个回答  2009-06-19