帮我把这些用英语翻译一下 让我能看懂 因为我是初学者...

这几天总是在下雨 随着天气 我变得更压抑 疲倦 以前很喜欢雨天 可现在...

不知道该如何是好 没当早上一睁眼 我就会想到她 心好痛

就这些吧 很急!!! 跪求各位 要详细点哦 让我容易看懂些 。。...

always raining in the passed few days,
as the weather gets worse,
i am getting more depressed and tired.
i used to like rainning days, but now...
i don't know what to do but i miss her
she appears in my mine everytime i wake up in the morning.
my heart hurts.
第1个回答  2009-06-19
Always in the rain the past few days as the weather becomes more depressed, I like rainy days ago tired now ...

Do not know what to do when one morning I would have thought her eyes open, my heart hurts
第2个回答  2009-06-19
It's always been raining these few days.
I felt stressed and tired along with the bad weather.
used to like rainy days, but now..

not know of what to do next
every morning when i open my eyes
i will first think of her
heart is aching..