

Buying Things 买东西
一、 Dialogue 对话
A: How much does that pen cost?
B: It costs ten dollars
A: That’s very expensive. Do you have anything cheaper?
B: Sure. This pen is only two dollars.
A: Good. I’ll take it.

A: How much is this book?
B: It’s seven dollars.
A: do you have a change for a hundred?
B: No problem.
A: Here is the money.
B: Thank you. Here’s the book and your change.

二、 Vocabulary 词汇
dollar 美元 expensive 昂贵的
anything 任何东西 cheap 便宜的
change 零钱 money 钱

三、 Grammar points
1. How much does that pen cost?
= How much is that pen?
How much does+单数物品/ do + 复数物品 cost?
=How much is+单数物品/ are + 复数物品?
例:How much do these pencils cost?
= How much are these pencils?
It costs ….或 It is …

2. cost 表示“价值(多少钱)”,使用这个字时,不可以用人做主语,通常用物品,东西等做主语,表示某物品或东西价值多少。
例:The dress costs twenty dollars.
例:This hat cost her thirty dollars.

3. That’s very expensive.
Expensive 是形容词,表示价格昂贵的,多用来修饰物品,而不能用来修饰价钱(price).
例:The price of the car is expensive. (错误)
The car is expensive.(正确)
The price of the house is high.
= The house is expensive.
Eggs are selling at a low price.

4. Do you have anything cheaper?
句中的anything 表示任何事物的意思,与something(某事,某物)及nothing(没有东西)均为代词,可以用来代替事情或物品。Anything 使用于否定句及疑问句中,而something则使用于肯定句中,nothing 因本身具有否定意味,因此不可再用否定词(not,no等)连用,以避免形成双重否定。
例:The poor man doesn’t have nothing to eat.(错误)
The poor man has nothing to eat.(正确)
=The poor man doesn’t have anything to eat.
例:Do you have anything important to tell me?
There is nothing nice to eat in that restaurant.

5. I’ll take it.我就把它买下了。
例:A: This book is very good. You should buy it.
B: All right. I’ll take it. = I’ll buy it.

6. change
change 做动词意思为变化
例:The lights changed from red to green.
但在这里意思是零钱, 和money一样是不可数名词
例:How much change do you have?
I have change for ten dollars.

7. Here’s the money. 钱给你。
Here’s / Here is + 单数名词
Here’re / Here are + 复数名词
例:Here are the books.
但更常用的一句话是Here you are. 意为给你,拿去吧。
例:Can I have a look at that shirt?
Here you are.
四、 练习
1. Use the right word
are much change high many is take something
How _____ does this book cost?
How _____ students do you have?
There _____ many schools in the city.
There _____ a pretty girl waiting for you.
I won’t buy that car; the price is too _____.
I have _____ exciting to tell you.
Do you have _____ for a thousand dollars?
This tie isn’t expensive. I’ll _____ it.
2. 根据首字母完成下列对话
A: How m_____ is this shirt?
B: It c_____ sixty dollars.
A: It’s expensive. Do you have anything c_____.
B: Sure. These are only twenty dollars.
A: The p_____ is OK. I’ll b_____ two.
B: Good. H____ are the shirts.
A: Do you have change f_____ a hundred dollars?
B: Sure. Here’s your change.
第1个回答  2014-11-06
Hello, how can I help you today?
Hi, I'd like to have a chicken soup.
Ok, anything else for you?
No, thanks, that will be all.
Your total is xxx please.
Here you are.
Thank you, xxx dollar as your change, have a good one!