关门可以用shut down吗,?关灯呢?


关门:Close the door, shut the door.
关灯:Turn off the light.
不用shut down,(关闭,停工,好象去年纽约地铁工人罢工,整个地铁运作停止.就说"The New York subway system was shut down."
关门也不用close down,因为你是指关门这个动作,而不是商店不开业这件事.
第1个回答  2006-02-28
1. close down
2. closed doors

Relative explainations:
<tollgate> <shutdown> <slam the door> <st 22> <kuan men> <to close shop> <to shut down> <to close down>

1. 请不要使劲关门。
Please don't slam the door.
2. 下午六点关门。
It closes down at 6:00 p.m..
3. 这个城市的大小商店星期天都不关门。
All the stores and shops in this city don't close down on Sundays.
4. 天太晚了,图书馆得关门了。
The library had to close down for it was too late.
5. 他关门用力过猛,连门把手都拧了下来。
He closed the door so hard that he wrenched the handle off.

关灯:douse the glim;(n.)switch off

1. 临睡前别忘了关灯.
Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.
2. 走时要随手关灯--以免浪费电.
Don't leave the lights on it wastes electricity.
3. 啊!我没关灯。
Oh, I left the light on.
第2个回答  2006-02-28
shut down是停工的意思
Close the door关门

Turn off the light 关灯