
1.There are dark,white,yellow socks.Each color has 10 socks.Take out the the socks randomly without seeing them to have at least two pairs of socks in different color.How many socks you have to take out at least?
2.There are 10 questions in a math exam.One will get 10 points for answering one question correctly and lose 5 points for giving the wrong answer.Tom got 70 points in all.How many question did he answer correctly?
3.There are two people,A and B,running around the circular track toward opposite directions at a uniform speed.The starting points lie at both ends of the circle's diamter line.These people start at the same,and meet after A runs 60m.B meets A for the second time when B has only 50 meters to finish one circle.Now,please work out the length of the track.
4.The workshops A,B,C,Dand E can use three cars for cycle transport.The number of stevedores required in each workdhop is marked in the picture.In order to save manpower,some stevedores should go with the car to ensure the needs of each workshop?
会一个也行啊 第三题diametr改为diameter



