苹果手机 投诉 翻译英文

20天前,我买了一部iphone7,本应兴奋,但却是噩梦开始的时刻。在升级你们IOS10.3.1后,很不幸,后置摄像头坏掉了,经客服的建议,我去了授权维修点ispace进行了检测,结果就是摄像头坏了,属于硬件问题,需要更换,我也同意维修,工程师拆机后,换了新摄像头,问题解决了,就在我要走的时候,他们拦住我说,我的手机被你们的工厂选中了返厂抽检,必须要寄回工厂检测,要等10个工作日,但问题是我的手机已经修好了,而且我过几天要离开北京,6月才会回来。Ispace的工作人员说没有办法,根据你们的售后规定,就是这样的,要不你就先不修,去Apple Store。没办法,我因为没时间等你们返厂,只能又把坏的摄像头换回来,然后他们给我开了个单子,说明了上述情况。我回家后预约你们的Genius Bar ,要知道,预约这个比去医院还难,刷新了无数次后,我选上了2017-4-17,Apple Store wangfujing,但这又是另一个噩梦的开始,本来我以为你们的直营店,在了解我的情况后,会解决我的问题,但可能是我想多了。我给你们的工作人员及值班经理讲述了我的遭遇,出示了签证申请及机票截图,他们均表示理解,但根据你们的政策就是返厂,现场不能更换配件,或者换新的给我。
作为消费者,你们生产的手机出现故障,我能理解,也能接受刚20天的手机进行维修,但是能当场换件能解决的问题,因为被选中了返厂抽检,就需要浪费客户的时间,而不管客户的心情。整个过程,你们苹果都没有错,我听到的都是表示理解,同情但是没法解决,你们的店经理,客服,高级顾问就像一个机器人,我不知道这对不对,但对我来说,糟糕极了!经过长时间的争吵后你们Genius Bar的经理建议我走保外out of  warranty,但不用我承担费用,这样当天可以拿到手机。那不就是说,在保修期内我的手机出现问题,你们就要拿回工厂研究,而我要花了钱,就不用了,这就是你们苹果公司的规定?你们有没有尊重过你们的客户?有没有站在客户的立场上想过问题?当然我得感谢你们帮我承担了走保外的费用。从出现问题找到你们,我经过了四天的沟通,跑了两家服务中心,恢复出厂设置删掉数据两次,新机器被拆了3次后,终于拿到了维修后的手机,也感谢你们让我体验了遭遇强盗、野蛮人的心情。

Dear ceo, coo or executives who may see this letter:
Hello, I wrote this letter to share with you about what I experienced the worst aftermarket experience.
20 days ago, I bought a iphone7, should be excited, but it is the beginning of the nightmare. After upgrading your IOS10.3.1, unfortunately, the rear camera is broken, the customer service propose that I go to the authorized maintenance point ispace, my phone was tested. The result is the camera is broken. Which is a hardware problem, need to be replaced, I agree to get it replaced, engineers disassemble the phone for a new camera and the problem is solved. But just about when I want to leave, they stopped me saying that my phone was selected by your factory to do some back to the factory sampling, so must be sent back to the factory inspection, and I have to wait 10 working days. Here comes the problem, my iPhone has been repaired, and I have to leave Beijing for a few days, and only will come back in June. Ispace staff said no way, according to your after-sales requirements, that is the case, or you do not repair, and go to the Apple Store. I have no choice but to change back the broken camera, because I have no time to wait for phone to return to the factory. The staff gave me a list, explained the situation. I made an appointment for Genius Bar after I went home, and it's harder to make an appointment there than to go to the hospital. I refreshed the page countless times, the finally, I picked up the 2017-4-17, Apple Store wangfujing, but this is another start of a nightmare. I thought the store, in the understanding of my situation, will solve my problem, but guess that's not the case. I told your staff and duty manager about my experience, produced a visa application and ticket screenshots, they show their understanding, but according to the policy it has to return to the factory, they can not replace the accessories in the store, or simply just replaced a new iPhone to me.
Now I would like to know, as a consumer, who brought a iphone that you are proud of. Due to hardware problems, I could have changed pieces, and then problem solved. But due to your post-sale sampling problems, I have to wait. Does that have anything to do with me?
If you guys want my phone back to factory for anything problem, and to improve on your new product/device. Why don't you just replace me a new phone, and then you can take my phone and do anything you need to do. I contacted your customer service and Advisor (technical adviser), who also said there is no other way, repeating the same thing over and over again. I said I will complain, but your technical adviser actually told me it's useless, it will be not accepted. I asked for feedback, she said it was an internal problem, therefore no feedback. I suddenly felt that I was not talking to Apple's customer service but to the pirates of the customer service call, they are completely unreasonable.
As a consumer, you produce a iPhone failure, which I can understand, and also to accept 20 days of iPhone repair. This problem could be solved in the store, but because of I'm selected for factory inspection, you need to waste the customer's time, regardless of what I have say. During this whole process, Apple you are not wrong at all. All I heard are understanding, sympathy, but that could not solve my problem. Your shop manager, customer service, senior adviser were all like a robot. I'm not sure if this is right, but for me, it's TERRIABLE! After a long quarrel, your Genius Bar manager advises me to go out of warranty, which I do not have to pay for. Doesn't that mean during the warranty period, if my iPhone has any problems, it has to go back to the factory. But if I spend money, I don't have to do that. Is this Apple's regulations? Have you ever respected your customers? Have you ever stand in the customer's position? I do have to thank you for helping me take the cost going out of warranty. From the emergence of the problem to finding help, after four days of communication, I went to two service centers to restore the factory settings to delete the data twice, the new machine was demolished 3 times, and finally got the maintenance of the phone, but also thank you for letting me experience the mood of encountering bandits, and barbarians.
Now, I want you to seriously investigate this problem, and then tell me what is the problem? Was it your fault, or my fault? You know, you can also blame God for this.
翻译好了, 并不是google 翻译什么的,是自己人工翻译的。同时对你不辛的遭遇感到抱歉。
