野性的呼唤 读后感 英语版


The call of the wild
At the beginning of this century, many new writers emerged with the introduction of many new ideas. Among them, Jack London was the most popular one.
His most famous novel is the call of the wild . Although it is a story about a dog, Buck, it vividly depicts the life in the primitive North where people rushed for gold and fortune.
Buck, used to belong to a judge, was kidnapped and sold to North. Then he became a member of a dog-team pulling a sled . In the days of pulling a snow-sled, he learned to conform to the law of nature and obey the master. Finally, he found a basic instinct hidden inside him, which enabled himself to survive the tough environment. This is the call of the wild.
When you read the story, you will feel that Buck is a man instead of a dog, struggling with his fortune and conforming to the law of nature.
Though short, it is really a thrilling story. What you never forget is the tough life in the nature, the brave and crafty dog. Maybe the wild is calling you to go ahead.
While writing for only 16 years throughout his life, London produced an amazing body of work among which, White Fang, Martin Eden, the Valley of the Moon are representative.
巴克是一条体重140磅的十分强壮的狗。他本来在一个大-法官家里过着由于的生活,后来被法官的园丁偷走,辗转卖给邮局,又被送到阿拉斯加严寒地区拉运送邮件的雪橇。巴克最初被卖给两个法裔加拿大人。这些被买来的狗不仅受到了人类的冷酷略待,而且在狗之间为了振铎勾裙的领导权么无时不在互相争斗、残杀.由于体力超群、机智勇敢,巴克最终打败斯比茨成为狗的领队狗。他先后换过几个主人,作后被约瀚-索顿收留。那是在巴克被残暴的住人哈尔打得遍体鳞伤,奄奄一息时,索顿救了他,并悉心为他疗伤。在索顿的精心互利下巴克恢复得很快. 一条狗!不!一条狼……又回到那n久前的嚎叫,祖先原始的野性在他身上重生!
第1个回答  2012-06-17
In jack London, wrote the book-the call of the wild, I went into a dog in the world. This dog called buck, is a the saint Bernard dogs and Scottish collies hybrids. The difference is, buck is not full of human fantasy mythology dog, also not be thrust deep into the human society as a friend of the role of dogs, but in the north to the life of the snow, deeds shocked readers mind dog.
Buck from the life of a judge in the south at home, where the buck enjoy clover, universal respect and take full weight status, but for all mankind in the north to find a yellow metal and change.
Aristocratic breath with the buck suffered first impolite treatment, it was sold to a abducted in red wool unlined upper garment guy there. And then a big meal and hilarious, once again played it unconscious. From then on buck understand that a truth: in that big stick with the man he is no hope. I want to stick is a key, a let buck understand the original nature of the key, let it learning to the law of the jungle of the original ruling law, but also let the body hidden in buck wild gradually awaken.
If the big stick is a key, then buck companion is professor of this course of text. Buck was again trade. It has joined a sled team, and from the structure companions so many of the way of existence.
The dog park church it how to steal food consoles going. In fact buck is don't like stealing, in order to eat satisfied he is not stolen. From the dog Billy there, buck soon learned how to break the ice in the snow kap shui skills such as thirst. Here I want to mention a dog's, horse, because from its body, buck "learning" a lot, let the buck in hazy remembered the original of the killing.
Horse is sled team, at the top dog, also is the leader. It buck as potential opponents, always provocative find fault, the surface is gentle, real ferocity. At first, for horse watts, buck always everywhere tolerance, try to avoid direct conflict. On one hand, to learn from them, on the other hand the instinct of the body with the provocative again from the dead. Finally the ancestors of gritting teeth, wolves tearing and the type of assault on it warmed up, put a horse down, watts.
Once the feral awaken, that comes from the depths of the forest will always cry entice buck, that is a desolate weird, call a person spooky cadence, but buck but very happy to follow to whine. The original animal tough habit on it more intense, in a hunting, buck taste that bloodthirsty and the desire of for killing a happy...... Finally became king of the Wolf.
The human society there are competition and humans have the spirit of the up is a kind of old haggard reflect it. Wild, is it brought conquer all things desire and brutality. Like buck, when all the facts are in the world only to tell it conquerors and be the conqueror, from the depths of the nature of the unyielding spirit is aroused, because it knows all this is the value of life.
In today's highly competitive society, the outcome is in a flash, causes the human can't a little breathing and hesitation, facing the crisis only brave accept, and finally conquer......
But haggard is not only to cruel, it also brought old friendship, can saying is the crystallization of civilization and old. When buck finally a host John died, he look to the heavens, a long growl. This is the worn-out sad, is loyal, is astonishing. Buck was John thick love wild is another way of.
So I want to say life is MAO dun's, the world is complex, but this complex world it is natural the simplest method made. Let the world is full of vitality, is it, but at the same time, the world push into the hell of it-is vice versa wild. It has a cunning, also have loyalty; It brings savage, also it with friendship. Ok, this is real life, colorful and bright, the endless.
第2个回答  2012-06-17
第3个回答  2012-06-16