

这是法国电影《初吻》的主题曲,苏菲.玛索的处女作。电影里,苏菲的男友将耳机带在她头上,音乐响起,刹那间万籁俱寂,时间停驻。舒缓深情的音乐流淌,那青涩朦胧的初恋,难以磨灭的回忆,都在这首reality里得以绽放。歌曲带着旧日时光的印记,伤感而难忘,就象苏菲幽怨的眼神。dreams are my reality,the only kind of real fantasy......

演唱:richard sanderson

met you by surprise i didn't realize
that my life would change forever
saw you standing there
i didn't know i cared
there was something special in the air
dreams are my realize
the only kind of real fantasy
illusions are a common thing
i try to live in dreams
it seems as it's meant to be
dreams are my reality
a different kind of reality
i dream of loving in the night
and loving seems a night
althoughj it's only fantasy
if you do exist honey don't resist
show me a new way of loving
tell me that to do show me what to do
i feel shomething special about you
dreams are my reality
the only kind of reality
may be must fool is ness has past
and may be now at last
i'll see how a real thing can be
dreams are my reality
a wonderous world where i like to be
i dream of holing you all night and holing you seem try
perhaps that's my reality
met you by surprise i didn't realize
that'my life would change forever
tell me that it's true feelings that are you
i feel something special about you
dreams are my reality
a wonderous world where i like to be
illusions are a common thing
try to live in dreams
although it's only fantasy
dreams are my reality
i like to dream of you close to me
i dream of loving the night
and loving you seem try
perhaps that's my reality

