not only…but also倒装

写英语作文用倒装句:not only can A… but also B can …这个句子对吗?根据老师的回答还原后是A can not only …but also B can …这不是无比别扭吗?!真的是这样的么…另外 如果两者主语相同 A can not only …but also …这没问题吧?倒装后哪个正确:not only can A…but also A can…还是not only can A…but also … 急啊大家快帮忙我高三啦高考不能出错啊 谢谢
好吧 我已经会了…现在采纳哪个啊…真是好问题…

not only can A… but also B can …这个句子对
A can not only …but also B can …是别扭,因为A放前面的话,后面的B应该和A是一个事物,A不但可以。。还能。。明显讲的是一个事,B哪儿冒出来的
A can not only …but also (can) …这没问题,主语都是A,一致后面的可以省略
楼主,如果把not only提前,说的就是两个事了,只说一个时一般不用
第1个回答  2012-05-29
A not only can...but also...这个是对的。倒装后:Not only A can,.....but also A can....
比如: Lily not only can understand the question, but also she can answer it.
倒装后: Not only Lily can understand, but also answer the question.

Not only Lily can answer this question, but also i can. Lily跟我都会回答问题。 Lily 在这里是A, 而自己 i 则是B.
"not only...but also" 是等于 "both and"
Both Lily and i can answer this question. 意思都是一样,可以随意运用。

另外"either or" "neither nor" 也可以给你解释一下。 “either or” 是其中一个“是的”。 “neither nor”是两个都“不是”。

Either Peter or Billy can answer the question. Peter 或 Billy 能回答问题。
如果想用反义的话,Either Peter or Billy cannot answer the question. Peter 或 Billy 中有一个不会回答问题。
Neither Peter nor Billy can answer the question. Peter 或 Billy 都不会回答问题。“neither nor”的意思里面已经有“NO”的意思了,这个需注意一下。
第2个回答  2012-05-29
The sun gives us not only light but also warmth. --------- 这里the sun作为主语只出现一次。在倒装时,the sun 要出现两次,也就是把原来的一句变成两句:
The sun gives us not only light but also warmth.------------
Not only does the sun give us light, but it also gives us warmth.(but要放在第二句的开头)。
not only can we keep fit but also they are happy-------你好。不对,因为条理混乱。
第3个回答  2012-05-28
1) not only … but also 连接两个分句,并且 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。【第二个不倒装】
如:Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.

2) 不置于句首就不需要倒装了 【俩个句子,链接的谓语都不用倒装哦】
如:I not only play tennis but also practise shooting.

第4个回答  2012-05-28
not only A can… but also can B
eg:Lilei not only can swim but also can he paly bascketball
记住是 当连接连个句子时but also倒装,结合后半句的时态,用 系动词/情态动词/助动词进行倒装