
1.Thank you for sending us __ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us___ great service.
A./ a B. the a C// D the /
记得我以前问过vegetables这里为什么又可数了?service加a 是不是因为有great修饰?顺便问一下哪些不可数名词前有形容词修饰可以加不定冠词?

2. With the development of the Internet, ____ communication is done by regular mail.
A more B less C little D much
为什么C 不行?
3 It's a shame ____able to listen to the doctor's advice earlier.
A not to have been B to have not been C to have been not D to not have been
为什么 不选 D? be shame to do,然后否定have把not 提前?
4.In ___ review of 44 studies, American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of ___ heart disease by 76 percent
A a the B the a C a/ D/a
答案C 为什么不选A? 冠词题一直做不好,有什么诀窍吗?
5 After the Arab States won independence , great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys___ to go to school
A. to be encouraged B been encouraged C being encouraged D be encouraged
答案C 为什么不选A? 用不定时不时目的?
6 Fred , who had expected how it would go with his daughter, had great worry _ his mind
A on B in C with D at
答案A 为什么不是固定词组in one's mind?

7. The warmth of ___ sweater will of course be determined by the sort of _____ wool used.
A the the B the / C / the D//
答案B 。同样,这类冠词题怎么做?

8. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, ____both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.
A being B been C to be D having been
答案B 既然前面有个逗号为什么不选A?

9. —If there's a bus stop outside our door, we will have people ___ on our steps all day
—Yes, I will manage to have the bus stop sign__ a little farther
A stand; moved B standing;moved C stood;move D be standing; moving
答案B 前面一个不理解。通常是have sb do. 如果是doing的话通常是否定,not have sb doing 不允许某人做某事

10.___ beauty of ___ picture does not depend only on its subject but on its style.
A The;a B/;the CThe ;the D /;a
答案A 为什么不选C?

11. I ___there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.
A would be B have been C had been D will be
答案C 为什么不选D ,这句话能不能翻译一下?

12. It was evening___ we reached the little town of Winchester.
A that B until C since D before
答案D 想借此题问一下since 和before 的区别。

13. The policeman questioned the ___ workers on the scene about the ___ thief
A retiring;esacping B retired ; escaping C retired ; escaped D retiring ;escaped
答案C 请问为-ing 和-ed分词 修饰的具体区别。

14.___seems strange to us is ___ the troublesome boy is getting along well with all his teacher.
A It that B what how C It how D What that
答案 B 为什么D 不对?


5.with sb doing sth伴随状语
6.have worry on
9.have sb do指请某人做某事
14. that已经省略了,没有how句子就不完整了,how is sth getting along well with,固定搭配
第1个回答  2008-02-06
第2个回答  2008-02-06
1 vegetable和fruit等当表示种类的时候是要用复数形式的!
2 C是显然不行的.单用little表示的是几乎没有.而且根据题目,对比的意思比较强.
3 你回想一下吧, to do sth这样的形式否定时基本上都是用not to do的.
4 冠词这些做多了 对比一下,就行了!(其实我个人感觉是靠语感的.)
讲到这里没什么精神了.我个人也是高一学生.英语一直不错, 想告诉你的是,学英语死记死背收效是不怎么大的.主要是靠兴趣.要注意培养自己的语感,多接触英文的东西.例如听英文歌(我个人是个hiphop迷,rap的歌我很多哦)看外国电影(这我也很多很好的)看美剧!祝你能学好英语
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