检查语法错误并更正 润色语言的优美性 流畅性 可以加一些优美的句子。其中的中文也对应翻译成英文。

检查语法错误并更正 润色语言的优美性 流畅性 可以加一些优美的句子。其中的中文也对应翻译成英文。
Now,let's play some games!Just enjoy it and have a good time!1.Game one(competitive answer of knowledge)We will have three groups.And we have three rounds of the game.There are 25 questions in each round,按小组记分制进行抢答,答对记一分,答错不得分。In each round,every group has one chance to ask for help(friends,mobile phone...)
Now,let's begin! Game two 趣味竞猜 fun quiz First,you will play the Word Guessing Each group choose one person to describe,the rest of the group member to guess within five minutes.Now,let’s begin!OK. Let’s play another game.It’s Love Hugs,Each group choose 5 persons to play it,you should walk in circles to the music. 主持喊出一个数字,所有人抱成若干个团,且每个团的人数与主持人所喊出的数字一致,与主持人所喊出的数字不相符的团淘汰,最终留下来的人最多的组获胜。 ok,according the scores ,the winner are........ In the end,we hope that you can read more books and enjoyreading. Book can give us a worthy and improving pleasure.As young man,we should love reading and see the world to broaden horizon. 男女:Good bye~

Now, let's play some games!Just enjoy it and have a good time!

* Game One (General Knowledge Quiz). We will have three groups. The game will have three rounds, 25 questions each round. Each group will buzz to answer the quiz question. Every correct answer will score one point for the group. No score will be deducted for incorrect answers. During each round, every group has one chance to ask for help(from friends or alliance on site and via cell phone...) Now, let's begin!

* Game Two (Guess the Word)
Each group will be assigned a word for guessing. The playing group will nominate one person to see the word and then illustrate to the rest of the group using body language but not verbally. The rest of the playing group has five minutes to guess the assigned word. Every correct guess within the time limit will earn one point for the group. Now, let’s begin! OK. Let’s play another game.

* Game Three (Love Hugs)
Each group will select 5 persons to play this game. When the game begins, players will walk in circles along with the music. The host will call out a number, from 2 to 5. Then players of the same group will hug together according to the number. If any group fails to hug ”correctly", then that group will be eliminated. The last "surviving" group will win.

Okay, from the scores recorded, the winner is ........
At the end, we hope that you enjoy reading and read more books. According to researches, those who read for pleasure are likely to do significantly better at school than their peers. Not only reading for pleasure is an enjoyable good habit, it can bring about eye-opening experience as well.

男女:Good bye~