
hold up
hold back
hold dowm
hold on
hold to

keep in mind
keep an eye on
keep in touch with
keep sb company
keep iin order
keep pace with
keep track of
keep up
keep up with

knock into sb
knock at
knock off



hold up v.举起, 支撑, 继续下去, 阻挡, 拦截
例:Which businesses hold up well in a recession? 在经济萧条时期做什么生意能撑下去

hold back v.踌躇, 阻止, 抑制, 隐瞒
例:This king of comedy doesn't hold back 喜剧之王没有退却

hold down v.压制, 抑制, 缩减, 牵制, 垂下
例:Bush budget to hold down domestic spending 小不死正预算削减内需

hold on v.继续, 不挂断, 停止
例:Hold On, Your Honor 阁下,请先别挂电话

hold to v.坚持, 紧握
例:Candidates Hold to Their Stances on Iran - New York Times

keep in mind 紧记
例:The most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always assume good faith on the part of other editors 需要铭记在心的是你在其他编辑面前要保持好的姿态。

keep an eye on v.照看, 密切注视
例:Keep an eye on my kid, thanks 帮我照顾下孩子,谢了

keep in touch with v.与...保持联络
例:Say you will keep in touch with me 答应我,你会和我保持联系

keep sb company 与某人结交,入伙
例:Hi bro, keep me company, okey? 老兄,也算我一个,好吗?

keep in order使遵守秩序,维持秩序
例:Matriarch with an unruly family to keep in order .女族长正维持一个庞大的家族

keep pace with v.并驾齐驱
例:Work hard so you can keep pace with him 你要努力才能和他并驾齐驱

keep track of v.明了
例:A file to keep track of the single mice of each line 一项能看清楚每只小白鼠的实验

keep up v.不低落, 维持, 继续
例:Keep up this great resource 把这项资源丰富起来

keep up with v.跟上
例:We can't keep up with demand for Kindle 我们(供给的燃料)满足不了燃烧的需要

knock into v.撞上
例:Mary knocked into Jack when she walking on the street corner 玛丽在街道拐角处遇见了杰克

knock at 敲打
例:Knock at the heaven’s door 敲天堂的门(很著名的英文歌曲)

knock off v.敲掉, 击倒, <口>(从价格、帐单等中)减去,除去
例:Joe, I'm going to knock off work early this afternoon. 乔,我今天下午要早点收工。
第1个回答  2008-02-11
She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible news.
I keep in touch with my family regularly.
Tom has to take long steps to keep pace with his father.
There was a furious knock at the door.
I think it important that we keep up with the times.
第2个回答  2008-02-11
(1)hold up
1.to steal or try to steal from(something,esp.a shop,bank or vehicle) using violence or the threat of violence盗窃,暴力抢劫
例:The gang held a security van up using shotguns.歹徒持枪抢劫了一辆保安车。
They held the same bank up twice in one week.
(2)hold back
1.To retain in one's possession or control保留,保持控制:在某人的占居或控制之下
2.To impede the progress of阻止……的发展
3.To restrain oneself抑制,自制
例:held back valuable information;held my tears
(3)hold down
1.To limit限制
2.To have(a job)有(工作)
例:Please hold the noise down.请限制音量
holds down two jobs有两份工作
(4)hold on
1.To maintain one's grip cling抓住……不放;依附
2.To continue to do something;persist继续做某事;坚持
3.To wait for something wanted or requested,especially to keep a telephone connection open.稍待:尤指不挂上电话以等待想要的或要求的事物
(5)hold to
1.To remain loyal or faithful对……忠诚或忠实
例:She held to her resolutions.她很忠于自己的决定

(7)knock off
1.to stop working or doing(something)歇工,下班;停止(工作等)
2.(infml)If you tell someone to knock it off you are telling them to stop doing something which annoys you.住手,别胡闹了
例:Oh,knock it off Robert ,and give me thoese balls.哦,别闹了,罗伯特,把那些球给我。
The factory workers all knock off(work)at 3.00 p.m.该工厂工人都在下午三点下班。
3.(of a seller)to take(a particular amount)away from(a price)(从价格等中)减去
例:The manager knocked $5 off because the dress had a few buttons missing,经理减去5美元,因为这条连衣裙有几颗扣子掉了。
The manager knocked $5 off the price,经理从价格中减去了5美元。
4.slang to steal抢劫;偷
He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.他有一大堆从各个商店偷来的电脑设备。
Terrorist groups are knocking off (Am also knocking over)banks to get money.
5.to produce quickly and easily(匆促、草率地)做,完成;匆促写出
例:With a photocopier ,you can knock off as many copies as you like.有了摄影复制机,你想要多少复印件就能印多少。
She can knock off(=write)a novel in a couple of weeks.她能在几周内写出一部小说。
6.slang to murder杀死,谋杀
例:She hired a hit-man to knock off her business rivals.她雇了个杀手干掉她的那些商业对手。