
1.Each of the 400 people received from their boss___gift-----"who moved my cheese?"------_____best-seller in the US-----to understand how to deal with changes in their lives and work.为什么两空都填a,最好能翻译一下
2.Passenger:Look out!There is a kangaroo wandering on the road!
Driver:_____it !That was lucky.It can damage my car really badly.此空为何填Missed,而不填Missing
3.All the task______ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.
为什么填having been finished而不填had been finished

1.第一个空用a ,是因为话说到这里,我们尚且不知道礼物是什么,属于不定指。第二个空,《谁动了我的奶酪》这是美国的畅销书中的一种。没有采用定冠词the,是因为各时期有自己的畅销书。加了定冠词就意味着《谁动了我的奶酪》是有史以来最畅销的书,可能吗?
2.这是一个省略句,全句应该是:I missed it !(指刚才没看到)
3.这个说起来麻烦,简言之,如果句子中出现2个动词,在没有连词的情况下,有一个是谓语(decided ),那么另一个动词就用非谓语(having been finished)。你如果用了had been finished的话,这显然是谓语动词,但是这个句子里没有连词。
All the task having been finished ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.或
After all the task had been finished ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.或
When (Because) the task had been finished ahead of time,they decided to go on holiday for a week.或
The task had been finished ahead of time,so they decided to go on holiday for a week.
第1个回答  2012-04-30
1. Each of the 400 people received from their boss___gift.400个人中,每个人都收到了老板送的一份礼物。 具体指“每一个人”。
"who moved my cheese?"------_____best-seller in the US-----to understand how to deal with changes in their lives and work.
2. That was lucky.可以看出,是躲过了。
3. 动词的ing形式表示原因,相当于Because they had finished the task...
第2个回答  2012-04-30
1、gift是泛指,前边要用a best-seller( 畅销书)也是泛指前边用a
2、Missed表过去 动名词Missing要与be动词连用,且放在这里句意不对,下句的That was lucky就表示这是过去时
3、考试是指从过去的某一时间持续到现在,所以用having been finished(现在完成进行时)强调过程;had been finished(过去完成时)强调结果
第3个回答  2012-04-30
啊啊是擦擦拭 是vsd 适当是