Linux 中 gcc -v ,-### ,-pipe ,-combine 分别是意思,怎么用


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Use pipes rather than temporary files for communication between the
various stages of compilation. This fails to work on some systems
where the assembler is unable to read from a pipe; but the GNU
assembler has no trouble.(在不同的编译阶段使用管道替代临时文件,某特别汇编器无法从管道读取的系统无法使用这个参数,但是GNU的汇编器没有这个错误)
Like -v except the commands are not executed and arguments are
quoted unless they contain only alphanumeric characters or "./-_".
This is useful for shell scripts to capture the driver-generated
command lines. (跟-v一样)

奇怪。我没查到combine ????
第1个回答  2017-06-07
-v 打印较多信息,显示编译器调用的程序。
-### 与 -v 类似,但选项被引号括住,并且不执行命令。
-pipe 使用管道代替临时文件。
-combine 将多个源文件一次性传递给汇编器。