
假如你是李华,准备去参加学校举办的主题为“健康成长”的英语作文比赛。请根据以下要点提示写一篇英语短文。 1.乐观的人生态度;2.努力学习;3.参加锻炼。 注意:1.可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;2.词数:120左右

School is a time known for young adults spreading their wings and developing their minds. Unfortunately, many often develop unhealthy habits.
With studying obligations, students stay up late doing schoolwork and still make it to early class. To function properly, your body and mind need at least eight hours of sleep each night. In other words, get plenty of rest.

Keep a healthy body and sound mind. Eat well-balanced diet. Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps build a strong body and mind. Keep brain active by by solving crossword puzzles or math equations, reading, writing, imagining and creating. It's also important to have a good disposition and a sunny outlook on life.
If you are able to do the things above, you are on your way to a healthy school lifestyle.
4Exercise regularly. Physical activity helps build a strong body and mind. College students who exercise regularly benefit from a healthy physique and a mind that is more at ease with less stress. Make use of the college gym or pool, which are typically available to students free of charge.
5Manage your stress level. College can bring on a myriad of stressful situations. Aim for balance in your life between your social and academic activities. Only take as many classes as you can handle successfully and lean on your support system of friends and family when stress arises.
第1个回答  2012-07-01